Thursday, January 29, 2009

Then again, 'Homo Blog' is more Metromix-able!

Another post in my continuing seat-of-the-pants brand research.

One senior Gannett executive called it, Hopkins Blog, because he couldn't bring himself to use the real name. I've heard -- but never confirmed -- that some critics refer to it as, Homo Blog.

Now, I'd like your view. Imagine you told a co-worker that the company was about to announce mandatory furloughs -- something you learned on Gannett Blog, four days before the company told you.

Your co-worker asks, "Where did you hear that?''

You say, "_______________."

Please post your replies in the comments section, below. To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green sidebar, upper right.


  1. Repeating instructions for this exercise:

    Your co-worker asks, "Where did you hear that?''

    You say, "_______________."

  2. Jim's blog

  3. A few other "former" coworkers and myself have talked about the things we've read on here. And we call it by it's proper name. Gannettblog.

  4. We call it "that Gannett blog"

  5. Everybody in my former Gannett office called "Gannett Blog"

    Some editors don't like reporters reading it. Others read it all the time while at work. I can't quite figure out what is going on there... then again, that is why I left (among so many other reasons).

  6. I call 'em like I see 'em:

    It's "Dubow's Worst Nightmare."

  7. Gannett blog. Gannett managment is a bunch of slime. I found out I would lose my job from this blog before the managment told me. Who cares what gannett exes say we will see on the call Friday. They have alot more to worry about then a blog. It is very interesting they are in the business of truthful news and integrity. However my previous boss was not truthful nor was the news unbias it was controled by the publisher.

  8. "Gannett Blog"

  9. "Where else? Gannettblog, run by Jim Hopkins, the fearless indie reporter! He's a homosexual, you know. Why do you ask?"

  10. Anonymous said...
    We call it "that Gannett blog"

    1/29/2009 6:36 PM


  11. Gannett Blog ... You know, Jim Hopkins' blog about all things Gannett.
    Sometimes the co-worker will grimace. Management types sometimes say "I just can't read that any more," or "I can't stand that blog!"
    Some co-workers won't admit they read here, but I know they do.
    But I have never had anyone call it Hopkins Blog or Homo Blog.

  12. You have to love an exec ed who tells you to follow the rules outlined in a corporate memo ("tell customers you're out on furlough") by telling you to do the exact opposite ("don't tell customers you're out on furlough"). Talk about an impossible situation.

    From: Stovall, Calvin
    Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 4:22 PM
    To: BGM-InfoCenter
    Subject: FW: Furlough Clarification

    I’m resending the e-mail related to furloughs to stress some requirements:
    Your voice mail and e-mail messages should not use the word “furlough.” You need to very simply state that you are out of the office for whatever date(s) and the person should call the appropriate desk for assistance.

    This is Calvin Stovall at the Press & Sun-Bulletin. I am out of the office and unavailable from Monday, Feb. 23 until Monday, March 2. You may e-mail Michelle Terry at or call 607-798-1186 for assistance. You also may call the metro desk at 607-798-1151 to report news items.

    Everyone, please do not stray from that language except to give people brief instructions if there is particular news they provide, for example.

    It was stressed from the beginning that we are to follow the guidelines/rules that have been set forth. I want everyone to know that there is a good chance someone will check your e-mail and voice mail to see if you are complying with instructions.
    From: Bell, Donna
    Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 11:57 AM
    To: bgm-Operating Committee; Estes, Bruce; Wilson, Lois
    Cc: Becker, Carol; Husick, Phil; Kehoe, Tina; Stento, Luanne
    Subject: Furlough Clarification

    1. For non-exempt employees days must be taken in full day increments (no exceptions)

    1. When employees are out on furlough:
    * no work of any kind
    * no phone calls made or taken (for those with paid cell phones do not answer any call pertaining to work, let them go to voice mail)
    * no emails written, read or sent
    * cannot be on company property during furlough

    Make sure all phones and e-mail messages are set to out-of-office with a message (see example below):

    I am currently out of the office on furlough from (dates) and will be unavailable. Please contact (name) in my absence for assistance. I will be returning to the office on (date).

    The company has the capability of knowing who has accessed their e-mails during furlough. Anyone found accessing e-mail, on company property or performing work (of any kind) during their furloughs will face having their furlough week charged to vacation and assigning a new week for their furlough. It is paramount that you make sure your employees follow the furlough program.

    Do not hesitate to contact me if you any questions.

    Donna L. Bell
    Regional HR Director
    CNY Newspaper Group
    4421 Vestal Parkway East
    Binghamton, NY 13902-1270
    607-798-1107 (phone)
    607-231-8206 (fax)

  13. We call it "The Blog"...everyone knows what it means.

  14. Everyone just says, "The blog." As in, "The blog was right about the furloughs.''

  15. I call it "Gannett Blog". A prime example of a professional journalist using today's emerging technology to perfect his skill's for the future landscape of things to come.

    And best of all, it's one man "wagging the tail" of a major corporation.

    Any journalist who doesn't use this blog as an example of where they need to be professionally is missing the point. Journalist will be an independent source of information and news in the future. No more "Mother Ship" to work out of, do it on your own and sell it to the highest bidder. Or give it to a regular buyer at a rate you can afford to live off of. (Steady customers are better than one big payoff)

    As far as calling it the "homo blog", when does sexual orientation have anything to do with supplying the facts and bringing issues to light? Nothing, just sophomoric behavior from people who have yet to evolve.

    I think Jim is smart enough to have found an outlet in which he can learn about new technologies, and make a few bucks in the meantime in order to further his career. Everybody should take note and learn.

  16. I enjoyed the USAT-wide meeting where we were told not to use "Jim's blog" as a news source and not to share the meeting's content with you. At the time I had no friggin' clue who Jim was and why the hell I'd read his blog. But it was obvious that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  17. Gannettblog, one word.

    Gotta love those homophobic assholes.

  18. I can't believe they stooped to that, Jim.

    Oh wait, yes I can. This is the same company that thinks it invented journalism, came up with Real Life/Real News while Phil Currie was driving past a cornfield in Iowa and mandated how many minority voices must be in a news or feature story.

    These are really bright people and they like to drink wine and feel important.


  19. All I have to say is 'that blog'.

  20. Around Detroit it is referred to as simply "The Blog."

  21. We say, in a whisper, you've heard of the Gannett Blog, right?

    Although I'm thinking it's become less taboo, at least in the newsrooms I'm in touch with.

    I've heard editors speaking about the Gannett Blog openly recently.

    One even initiated a conversation about what they read on it with me!

  22. Gannett Blog. All the cool kids read it.

    A thousand thank yous to the brave tipsters who share information about layoffs, furloughs, and other activities that affect us all. The big shots may want to muzzle you, but you are performing a valuable service for your co-workers.

  23. "The Blog."

  24. I'm not sure where you have heard that, Jim. Everyone refers to you as "Gannett Blog" or "The Blog". You're the crack that everyone can't live without. Everyone is afraid of what you'll report next, but wants to know. Also, your popularity goes pretty high. People on OCs read you religiously. The banter before the meetings frequently contains things you've reported. Sad when even those folks are getting their company news from you.

  25. Just "the blog." we all know what it is. 'nuff said.

  26. I say, "the blog". Then to listen to my boss berate "the blog" for 5 minutes. I think it's fun. Might end up being career ending, but what the hell!

  27. About leaving a message on your voice mail or a reply on your corporate email. I'm not important enough to bother with either. I just left it be. My co-workers will pick up the phone if it rings and the email I receive is usually corporate spam. Blah, blah, blah. Out on furlough tomorrow and Monday. Til Tuesday.

  28. It used to be 'the Gannett blog,' but now, it's simply 'the blog.' Maybe it's familiarity, or maybe it's just because we're copy editors. 'The Gannett blog' is simply too wordy.

  29. "That blog everyone used to read before it was blocked at our firewall"

  30. "on the blog"

    Everyone knows what it means. All my friends at work are avid readers of Jim's blog!

  31. 11:40 PM wrote: "That blog everyone used to read before it was blocked at our firewall"

    Wow ... fascinating.

    I've walked past people's work stations and seen them reading this blog - and I ask, "Are you crazy reading this here?" Me, I read from home. Big Craig is watching.

  32. Gannett Blog before, but now it will be Homo Blog. Thanks for the tip, Jim!

  33. The ' bad blog' or ' bad Gannett blog' because we weren't supposed to read it.

  34. "I have my sources."

    Nah, I say Gannett Blog. Half the newsroom already reads it.

    Love ya, Jim!

  35. G-blog. Us kids have to be down with the short way.

    The oldsters, they say Gannettblog.

  36. You're a homersexual? WHAT? I unbelieve that.


  37. haha everyone knew about furloughs
    before it was announced...
    and thats all because of the

  38. I love the word "metromix-able"...way to keep Metromix at the forefront. Thanks!

  39. I was shocked that some of my coworkers were blindsided by the furlough announcement; I thought everyone at work read "The Blog."

  40. A top editor at USA Today recently referred to you as "The Dark Prince."

  41. You say "Homo Blog" like it's a bad thing. [/snark]

  42. It gives me great pleasure to know that Craig and Co. don't have the balls to utter this blog's real name. Congratulations to you, Gannett Blog.

  43. "The Dark Prince" ... I LOVE IT!

    I refer to it as The Gannett Blog and gladly publicize it to anyone and everyone I can ... much easier as a Gannett escapee!!

  44. "The Gannett Blog." But don't think Jim would hit on YOU! Gay men have much better taste than that!

  45. The blog. Everyone knows what we mean.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.