Sunday, January 11, 2009

Got the URL for ContentOne's Obama microsite?

I sure could use it, assuming it's available for anyone to see. The memo says: "The site will be available Jan. 6, 2009." Updated at 9:37 p.m.: Got it, everyone! (And, boy, do I feel like a dope.)

Please post it in the comments section, below, or e-mail confidentially via gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com].


  1. There's not a separate URL. It's embedded on the homepage of most Gannett papers and TV stations. See as an example

  2. Good grief!
    The most prominent ads on the cover page [which is plain Jane, very boring] are for belly fat reduction scams.
    Martha Bean belly fat is a real turnoff for me visiting a site, looking for something unique and interesting.

  3. Boring. Boring. Boring.
    Tired. Tired. Tired.

  4. Um----am I supposed to be seeing all those national ads yet? I'm just seeing the same old teeth whiteners and belly fat stuff. What am I missing here?

  5. Interesting that you would note that, too: I've been watching ads across the network, just to see how many local ones pop up vs. national buys. It's interesting, isn't it?


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