Saturday, December 20, 2008

What's better than a plain ol' Dubow scholarship?

How about a Craig A. and Denise W. Dubow Endowed Presidential Scholarship, at the University of Texas in Austin?

Even more fancy-schmancy at cocktail parties in status-conscious Zip Code 22066: the Craig A. and Denise W. Dubow Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Athletics!

Want to know more? Well, follow me, as we take another stroll along the Gannett Foundation money trail. (As they'd say in Texas, this trail is getting more crooked than a dog's hind leg.)

Our story so far
We learned that the Gannett Foundation secretly provided "support" to the Craig A. and Denise W. Dubow Endowed Scholarship Fund at Western Carolina University, based on public documents pried loose from the school, in Cullowhee, N.C. The Western Carolina fund is named for Dubow (left) and his wife. But it gives zero credit to the foundation or to Gannett. Plus, it's reserved for high school students in three N.C. counties, so it's pretty much off-limits to most company employees and their children.

Today's news
A smart Gannett Blog reader has pointed me to the University of Texas at Austin, where Craig Dubow's bio says he graduated. Dubow is also a member of UT's prestigious fundraising board. As Gannett CEO and titular head of the Gannett Foundation, he steered a total $40,000 in foundation money to UT in 2005 and 2004, the foundation's public tax returns show.

These grants were authorized under an executive benefit available to a few top current and former Gannett executives -- the same benefit he used for the Western Carolina gifts, the returns say. Under this benefit, execs have steered more than $1 million in foundation money to pet charities in 2004-07 -- often, non-profit groups that would be ineligible under foundation rules applying to everyone else. (Noteworthy 2007 gifts.)

For example, rules applying to regular employees and the public say: "In any public acknowledgment or signage, be sure to note that this grant is from the Gannett Foundation."

Supporting documents
Here's a screenshot from the foundation's 2004 public tax return, showing a total $20,000 going to UT that year. Take note of the fact that it doesn't say anything about a scholarship named for Dubow; click image for bigger view:

Now, here's a screenshot from a UT website page, showing 2007-08 endowed presidential scholarships and fellowships. Note the two scholarships honoring the Dubows, and the names listed under the "Donor(s)" column; click for bigger view:

What's next
Can you find any scholarships named for the foundation or for Gannett, anywhere on the complete, alphabetized list? (I can't.)

Please post your responses in the comments section, below. To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green sidebar, upper right.


  1. Did you notice he's on the development board?

  2. Classic pay-to-play, 3:41 PM? Shades of Rod Blagojevich?

  3. Thanks, 3:41 pm; I've just added that detail to the post.

  4. I recently complained that I was getting anything from this blog any more other than whining and bitching from a bunch of editorial people. This investigation is quickly making me change my position.

    Jim, if you keep this up and get to to the bottom of things you will earn some of my hard earned money in exchange. Keep it up and the best of luck to you!

  5. Well, from your 2:43 am reader, I told you to not to overlook Texas. Things are getting curiouser and curiouser, eh?

  6. At most white collar corporations, I'd say it's no big deal is you're missing $60,000. But since that money would cover my salary (a 10 year Gannett veteran employed in McLean at the largest paper in the country) and still have $15k left over, I feel like calling up Craig and asking for a raise. Or maybe see if I can go get a masters on his dime.

  7. Gosh, great spin. Let's see if I get this right: Texas has a good journalism school. Dubow went there. These donations were made before Dubow was CEO. He was the head of a division then. Maybe they recruited from Texas? Maybe this actually did something for Gannett? Yawn. Next.

  8. I'm curious about foundation doings in the UK. Hope someone checks it out.

  9. I'm not a reporter, just someone looking for this issue to be raised to the next level:
    What would someone have to do to get this noticed by mainstream media and the IRS? It is great reporting by Jim and this blog should not be the only place it is read and discussed. It's all over the media today that bailed-out banks are giving bonuses to employees. And it was news when DuBow gave up that paltry salary percentage. Lets make sure this information makes the news, too.


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