Friday, December 05, 2008

Neuharth faults age for Wall Street 'wobbles'

[Age appropriate? His mug shot in USA Today, left, vs. reality]

Like rubbernecking past a car wreck, I can't resist octogenarian retired CEO Al Neuharth's weekly column, every Friday in USA Today.

It's those gosh-darn whippersnappers running Wall Street that have caused all of us so much financial pain, the multi-multi-multi-gazillionaire growls this morning. Typing by Depression-era candlelight on his fabled black 1926 Royal typewriter, the 84-year-old Neuharth harrumphs:

"The recent wobbles" -- wobbles?!!! -- "on Wall Street day to day, hour to hour and even minute to minute have been caused by decision-makers who are acting like kids. Actually, many of them are barely beyond that, in age, or frame of mind."

[Photos: The more rakish picture that USA Today uses to illustrate Neuharth's column up there on the left is, well -- let's just say it's not the one taken three months ago]


  1. Vanity, thy name has always been Al Neuharth.
    I see he's strayed away from his black/white/gray color scheme in later years.

  2. Yes, definitely in his silver years. A lot less Grecian Formula is used that way.

  3. At least he hasn't gotten a Jerry Jones type face lift ... hideous.

  4. Should have heard him on the radio. He's slipping at bit, at 83.

    And still full of himself. As if he did the deed without Wall Street.

    Right. And pigs fly out of my butt.

  5. Whoa, that's scary.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I just removed a comment where a reader called a woman a "bitch.'' Please don't do that again.

  8. first it was him raving adult diapers (I sh@t you not), now it's him shaming greed. we've all had enough of his, well, crap.

  9. Bless his heart. He knows all there is to know about everything it seems. Age aside, I know lots of people like that, and they don't belong in anything journalism-related.

  10. Yes he had a big ego and he didn't care who knew it. You still give the devil his due. He was a LEADER and he had vision. Inspite of what us "shiney ass bean counters" thought his flag ship survives. When Al ran rhe company I was proud to have work for Gannett.

    P.S. He still is a snappy dresser.

  11. Al needs to retire from opining. He was a visionary for his time, but his time has passed.

  12. Will we ever know whether USA Today pays Al to write that column?

  13. Details, please: When was the photo on the left taken ? Does anyone know ?


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