Sunday, November 23, 2008

That look: Why we think we're on the layoff list

"The sweet old lady who is the publisher's admin wouldn't look me in the eye and give me her usual cheery 'hello.' I'm on the list, and I know it."

-- Anonymous@6:54 a.m., in one of several similar comments. Another: "Nobody has made direct eye contact with me for weeks."


  1. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

    Seems like every look, every word and every directive has the weight of paranoia attached now.

  2. My boss, who used to be very attentive to everything I had to say, who wouldn't dare miss a meeting with me, has blown me off 3 times in the past couple of weeks.

  3. Paranoia time. This blog went from informative to way past slow news day.

  4. RE: Eye Contact
    I think the way people are being treated for the first layoff and this one is cruel.
    When I was targeted for a buyout, they couldn't get me downstairs to HR fast enough and they gave me a 24-hour deadline.
    I don't understand why they're trying to drag things out this time.

  5. Maybe that sweet little old lady thinks SHE'S on the list.

  6. Is the Gannett troops doing the "wear black" on Dec 2?

  7. How I wish I weren't out of the office Dec. 2! Please, please, wear a black shirt for me.

  8. I was one of 1000 layoffs in August and my boss did the same thing to me. She already didnt talk to me much, but I had the gut feeling the day before and over that week she really wouldnt talk to me. No reply to my emails either. Trust your gut! Its not paranoia!

  9. black will identify you as a frequentor of this that smart?

  10. 7:17
    Black is pretty common in most worker's wardrobe. We all have at least one black shirt, blouse, sweater, pants or dress/skirt. Some more than others. I for one wear black at least twice a week. Pretty easy to accessorise too! Remember: Paint It Black on 12/02!
    -Sleepless in NJ

  11. If you're being laid off anyway, does it really matter whether "they know" you frequent the blog?

    I am not there, but I'll wear black that day in solidarity.

  12. If it makes anyone feel any better, I work at Media General and have been laid off twice in five months. The first time I managed to engineer a transfer to another department. The second I was already planning to leave when the door started closing behind me.

    The sky is falling everywhere.

  13. not everywhere. For thoose that are talented and do more, prove thier worth, the future is bright. We just need to move quickly to get all the fat out of the organization so people like me can get our good work done.
    You loosers are making the company suck. Get out the way!
    Larry can you lend a hand or a finger?

  14. 7:52 You really think that all 10% of the people that will be let go are "loosers" and "makeing the company suck"? This is a big layoff. There will be people let go that are very hard workers. They will be let go because the area they work in will be removed to cut costs. You can not say that they are not hard workers. Most that are let go will be good workers with just bad luck of being in an area that will be slated to be dropped. Do you walk into work every day and think to yourself that 1 out of every 10 people you see are bad? Wow, must not be much of a property.

  15. 7:52
    We would like to think and hope that only the losers will be part of the next round. But, if that is the case: why are so many losers in charge, know someone in charge, or kiss up to those in charge? Let us know if you are still there next week, I'm a hard worker and not a loser and there is a 50/50 chance I will be showed the door. I'll let you know next week too.
    -Sleepless in NJ

  16. 7:52 I hope you aren't in the newsroom. With grammer and spelling like that you may be on the chopping block yourself.

  17. In my opinion, the problem here is that everyone is taking this entire situation in the wrong direction. Yes it will be painful, but it is an opportunity to take the skills Gannett has given you and trend into the areas that they haven't. Trust me, there are a lot of things that can be done in many markets which Gannett has failed to exploit. Ideas that with a little sweat, ingenuity, creativity and imagination can turn you into your very own boss, a well paid one at that. I knew the ship was sinking a year ago. I started working my sources and folks from my past, and it turns out that my efforts were not for nought. I have some clients lined up that will allow me to be the principal of my own company and continue doing what I love, just without Gannett busting my balls every second of the day.

    My point is that Gannett has failed to embrace its talent, those of us who innovate, our ideas and suggestions.

    So in closing, I must say that Gannett has given you some terrific skills ... use them to your advantage. Find a way to do what you love -- or something you've always wanted to do -- without Gannett in your life. You will be in a much better place emotionally, physically and spiritually.

    We'll all manage one way or another.

    And, send Jim a couple bucks. Something tells me that blogging is his gig. Maybe he should eventually give Romensko a run for his money. Those videos are a VERY nice, personal addition. Perhaps Jim is destined to be the Rachel Maddow of the blogosphere.

  18. damn straight i'll be wearing black 12/2 -- and i really don't give a damn whether they figure out that i frequent this blog. if they don't know that already, they haven't been listening, because i've tipped several coworkers to its existence.

    and 7:52, if you think only losers and laggards get laid off, explain to me why a young, bright, talented assistant mgr got laid off last time while there was at least one better candidate for the boot?

    and how will you explain what happened to you if YOU get laid off?

  19. 7:52 Are you really spelling "grammar" incorectly on your very brief posting criticizing newsroom posters for incorrect spelling? Babe, they will never let a "brain" like you go! Oh, okay, I get it! This was your idea of a joke!

  20. If Gannett is bursting forth with fresh talent, why isn't it showing up in the products? What are all you talented people waiting for? Do you honestly think something is holding you back that layoffs will cure?

  21. Remember everyone that PAYBACK is a BITCH. During the round of layoffs last year we had a Director who was in charge of "Removing the FAT" After the dirty deed was done on Friday afternoon he went home. Come Monday morning they had his name removed from the hand scanner and he was let go.

    So Just becaue you think the "dead weight" will be gone come Dec. 3rd just remember that dead weight might be you. Even if it's not this time it might be at the next round.

  22. Don't be an ass 9:14 - that's why I was not in the newsroom and I rely entirely on spellcheck. I just really don't like when people call others losers. You see, I was laid off in August, so I'm down and out already. Best of luck to you.

  23. 9:17 -- Fresh products are not emerging quickly enough because a lot of managers are squashing good ideas from their subordinates. Managers have their mandate. And now, more than ever, they are afraid to put their necks on the line to propose a new idea/product that could potentially lose money.

  24. Jersey Girl:
    This is an interesting thread, because we all wonder if it’s us. Truth is most of all will go before the paper reshapes into what it will become. One boss in particular has avoided out department since the 10% letter went out, so it does seem grim. However to my 2 close supervisors (who also are worrying about their jobs) thanks for being so supportive over the years. We watched out kids grow up together & I enjoyed knowing you. No, you weren’t perfect and neither was I but we shared life together. People are getting so nasty with other. To those people, when this is over you can be nasty about something else. That’s your calling. To those of us who are the common folk, God will provide for us. We will learn new things and appreciate simpler times. It's not of our choosing, but it's the hand we are being dealt & being ugly really won't help.
    My co-workers & friends, we spent alot of time together, more than my family. Our interests aren't the same, we have different tastes in music & politics, but I’m glad I knew you & wish you the best. How about the rest of us, enjoy the time remaining & the people we spend it with. Even if I stay people I care about are hurting. If I go & they stay God chose it for them. Gannett is a paycheck but not my provider. Some of you will know what I mean; others will sadly never get it. It’s later than we think, time to stop & think. I’m enjoying thanksgiving & my family. No I can’t go Christmas shopping, I have faith but I’m not stupid. What about we put “Christ” back in Christmas & forget about expensive gifts. Good Luck Guys. Hope you make it & if not find something better.
    Enjoyed being at the CP.

  25. 10:42 PM
    Compelling, error-free news stories will NEVER cause a monetary loss for a news organization. Can't all this fresh talent just write something worth reading, and present it across multiple platforms?

  26. 9:51:

    Can I have a job in your new company?

  27. oops, I meant 8:51

  28. 10:37 PM
    Sending a big hug your way.

  29. Thanks 11:16, I needed that. Kindness goes a long way.

  30. I don't think I'm on the list, but I know one or more of my staff is! How? By my boss's actions. Exactly the same as the last layoff--- Not returning calls, avoiding my staff and myself, taking day/days to reply to emails. Minor things like that. Under normal conditions, we would be talking daily.

    If it's me, I can't wait to do a brain dump to this site. :0

  31. I was one of the first laid off in August. There was no "hey, thanks for 14 years of great work under the extremely high pressure we kept you under." It was just, "today is your last day, pack you items and get out." Kindness went out the window. I did manage to collect umemployment as well as my severence checks but it didn't help very much at all.

    Getting laid off wasn't what irked me though as much as the fact that they kept other people on that literally did nothing to keep the newspaper going and I do mean NOTHING! I could name names but that would serve no real purpose. the bottom lineis simply that you are probably going to be thrust out into a world that is sorely lacking in jobs available in your line of work. I was fortunate enough to find work making substantially less that I was making but I'm actually HAPPY! The job pressure from losers in high paying jobs demanding changes in my work is gone. I get off work earlier and I actually look forwqrd to going to work now. No one "over me" is cussing me out or lying to me on a daily basis.

    Yeah, the money was good and I THOUGHT the friends were good too until they stopped "checking on me" about two weeks after I left.

    Believe me, you'll learn who your friends REALLY are.

    I'm actually much better off now.


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