Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No. 2: Because ad sales won't pay the full freight!

Part of an occasional series of reasons to support Gannett Blog during this quarter's pledge drive. The goal: to raise $6,000 quarterly, through advertising and voluntary subscriptions of $5 per reader.

The tally for the first three days: $886 -- 15% of goal!
  • Advertising: $181
  • Subscriptions: $705
Thank you! XOX!

To buy a $5 subscription, please use the "Donate" tool in the green sidebar, upper right. Any amount appreciated! Post feedback in the comments section, below. Send e-mail to gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com].


  1. i avoid paypal, but will contribute via snail-mail if you offer that option. the info here is worth paying for -- often because of its accuracy, and sometimes because it gives me the day's biggest laugh. (thanks for dropping by, craig!)

  2. I'm in for $10.


  3. Jim,

    You want more traffic? Create a section where everybody can write a review about their managers. It will get lot of hits...payback is a biatch :)

  4. I like the ads.. makes me feel like I'm on a real website.

    Has anyone bought that Belly Dancer's tale. I'm not surprised Neuharth was involved, rumors were that he whored around all the time.

  5. Lets save Advertising by giving the Retail Manager and Classified manager a little more responsibility to delegate out and at the same time get rid of Advertising Directors.

  6. I'm with 11:08. Give me a snail mail alternative and I'll send you some today.


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