Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Nashville: Was this the full-run front page?

I couldn't help noticing the dramatic lack of text on the front page's Obama-McCain debate coverage, when I ran across it in this morning's Newseum database of Gannett papers. (Bigger, more readable view.) Was this the full-run edition -- or an early one?

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  1. Was this the full-run edition -- or an early one?

  2. It was the full run I believe.

  3. If so, it's certainly ... an interesting choice. Especially considering how boring the debate really was.

    That looks more like an election-day front page.

  4. Yes it was full run and was followed by six pages of debate coverage.

  5. And no advertiser wanted to buy the premium front strip ad for full front page coverage of this event? Not like the plans to cover this wasn't in the works for some time.

    Ad revenue is REAL easy to sell right now right?

  6. Increasingly, newspapers are copying the Web "index" model.

  7. The debate was held in Tennessee, so it was a bigger deal there to them than to everyone else, I'm sure. Still not sure if it warranted the whole front page though.

  8. Hey,

    AIG is getting another 30+ billion from New York Fed. Gannett is "too big to go under". Ask for bail out money too. Seems the Fed banks are more than willing to give away the farm to big corps.

    Ad revenue is shrinking, but corporate salary and bonuses are doubling. Time to beg for a Government bailout.

  9. They didn't give a dime to Lehman, and I thought they were too big to fail. Oh wait, that was the ex-Goldman Sachs CEO's decision not to help his former rival, now I'm straight.

  10. Yeah, that was the front page. It wasn't just "in Tennessee" though, the debate was in Nashville at Belmont University. It was a big deal locally and this is a local paper.

    Local flavor is what people are crying for, isn't it?

    And, of course, the papers were over an hour late to the sub stations delaying delivery of the already circ heavy Wed paper. Wed circ is about the same as Sunday at the TN to increase circ numbers.

    I hear all that combined with the heavy rains this AM really walloped already bad CPM numbers...

  11. 7:13, there was a front page ad on the paper - looks like Jim just cut it off when he posted a picture of the page.


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