Thursday, October 23, 2008

Blog: Newsquest's Herald primed for a strike

In an e-mail, a reader describes cutbacks roiling The Herald group -- three Scottish dailies that are part of Gannett's Newsquest division in the United Kingdom. The budget reductions come "despite record levels of profits last year, on the back of three rounds of redundancies (buyouts) that have resulted in a one-third drop in editorial staff over two years,'' my reader says. "The papers are literally being destroyed -- steeply declining circulation, unfeasibly tight budgets in all areas, internecine internal politics, staff replaced by casuals, then pressure on managers for hiring casuals."

The Herald staff has already been out on strike to prevent compulsory layoffs once, the reader notes -- and it looks as if they might do it again, the All Media Scotland blog says. My reader's e-mail concludes: "It has been very interesting reading about the U.S. experience on your blog. We get a shadow of Corporate's policies, but we feel them far more deeply. In fact, we are still plodding lamely down the discredited Information Center path, hampered by poor software and a badly botched roll out of new production systems."

[Image: a recent screenshot of the Herald's homepage]


  1. It's so good to hear from Scotland!
    Question---Did they send Gannett people from the US over to run you shops?

  2. Thanks for welcome and great to get involved. Circumstances aint great though, given that we're being run into the ground with continuous layoffs and cost-cutting measures. No, as far as I know, they didn't ship US folk over here to run Newsquest, they managed to find even bigger homegrown b****** to go above and beyond the call of duty for their Gannett masters. We struggle daily with an apology for a 'new' system (Atex)and a management forcing through substantial newsroom changes regardless of union and staff opinions (actually, their technique is to ignore staff and union opinions)in fear of the MD.
    Any input on how to make Gannett sit up and listen warmly welcomed.

  3. @7:46
    Hope you keep us updated on UK happenings.


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