Sunday, August 24, 2008

What I'm doing right now

9:37 p.m., Ibiza Time: Waving at myself, and talking about where we're going to eat dinner.


  1. Jim, Just take a night to enjoy a steak grilled on an open pit, and nice Chianti, and watch the sun set with Sparkey.

  2. Jim,
    I understand your journalistic integrity regards putting ads on your site. But as a loyal reader, I would actually feel more comfortable knowing that you had ads. Not sure where you're getting the money to jet around Spain and keep this anti-Gannett blog, but to any journalists, things might look suspect. Perhaps you inherited a bunch of money, but even still you should take advantage of your numbers and make a little dough from your efforts.

  3. @10:52 -- Jim has explained before that he lives on his severance and the savings he amassed for years specifically to give himself the freedom to do things like travel and write.

    Me, I appreciate his refusal to turn his readers into so much fodder for people with something to sell. Aside from the enormous value of the information shared here, this blog wins points from me by being a haven from consumerist agents.

    I understand the day may come when Jim will need to earn some money for his labors, but for now I'm going to savor the ad-free zone.

  4. It it none of anybody's business where blog-site Guru Jim gets his money. But look at it this way, the success of his site could lead to a business opportunity in his future. For now, just be thankful this site is here and that he continues to put his efforts into it. Hey Jim, when are you and Sparky coming back to San Fran, anyway? Summer's just about over.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.