Thursday, August 21, 2008

Remember, it's not just about 600 laid-off workers

This week's mass newspaper layoffs threaten financial ruin for 600 families: wives, husbands, partners (Sparky!), children and parents.


  1. Yes, it's not just the laid off workers. Their families are deeply affected. 600 times ?????????????. Big numbers. But that's all gannett workers are to the bosses. I was spared this round, might not next time. Remembers you parted co-workers, don't forget them. Call them sometimes, drop them a email or card in the snail mail. Let them know they will not be forgotten. Say a little prayer for them... and for yourself.

  2. Jimbo,
    I have been in San Fran ... exactly what does Sparky do? He musy make a LOT of money for both of you two to take the vacation you are taking. Hmmnnnn... Who do you REALLY work for. Gannett Blog is not just another fluke ... someone )either Gannett or a third party) is paying you to do this? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  3. I support myself with my Gannett severance checks, and with savings. I receive no money from outside sources.

  4. Receive. That means right now. What about later? Did you discuss this blog idea with someone (university, business, foundation, etc.) and will you be getting paid at a later date?

  5. I was wondering how the Gannett big wigs were going to try and discredit Jim. 9:28 and 9:46 have a suspicious tone to their comments don't they.

    Don't listen to them dear Mr. Hopkins, you are providing solace and a sounding board to the afflicted masses.

    And HOPE for all us quivering in the shadows afraid of what happens post-journalism. Your example, Ibiza and all, is a warm, refreshing reminder that even though this could be the end of the world as we know it, there's a chance we can still feel fine.


  6. Give Jim a break. Do you really think Gannett like all this attention, 99.9% negative? At least He started this blog. Not too many would have the chutzpah to do so. Right??? Is it not why so many are anonymous? Myself included! I still work for the Evil Empire. Git-r-Done! Right...........

  7. 9:27pm... That's a great point... Don't forget your layed off worker friends... Sometimes we lose touch... In earlier lay offs about a year ago.... a lady was laid off at our paper... She was very obese and only left her house twice from the time she was let go and when she died 4 months ago... Her job was her will to get up and do something... Is that Gannett's fault... No... but it just goes to show us how much our work is a part of our lives... so keep in touch... you never know what that person is going through or how we might help someone... it's a rough feeling losing your job....

  8. I had a couple of my former coworkers call me about a week after the ax fell on me. The calls and emails have since stopped for the most part as they go on with their lives. I don't blame them though. My calls to them seem to reach stressed out, shells of the once bright personalities I worked with. It's painfully obvious that the stress level has escalated drastically there.

    At least I know my fate. they don't.

  9. I say make all the money from this you can Jim.

  10. I hate that someone in my newsroom had to lose her job.

    At the same time, we all knew she wasn't helping the organization. She was a professional meeting attender (I know all papers have at least a few) and wasn't helping us survive in this decaying climate. Took notes, attended meetings, relayed the ME's ideas via emails.

    We're going to need a bottom-heavy approach to survive. We need more reporters and fewer editors since the information is the coveted element now.

    And since editors cost twice (three) times as many as a reporter in most cases, we can adapt and save money concurrently.

  11. Should say "as much as".

    (We still need line editors!)

  12. we lost really good people in indy for reasons no one can figure out -- or for what looked like vendettas -- when there were several people passed over for buyouts last year who gladly would have left now so the young people the company SAYS it wants could have stayed. go figure.

  13. They obviously didnt use logic when considering layoffs. They told me that corporate considered my position a "luxury" position. (Creative Services Manager). LOL A Luxury you say? Hmmm, funny I worked 12 hour shifts without any support from my boss. Yet there is a sales manager whos 44 pg Tab plunged to a 12page rag in a matter of months. This person also did nothing but surf Myspace, You Tube and do homework at their desk (trying to complete their masters)....Took 2 hour lunches with the boss and even stopped to get ice cream and run personal errands....

    Hmmm wonder who had the "LUXURY" job? And the kicker is, I was the one fired? Yes I say fired and not laid off because they treated me like I was getting fired. 9 years of service and while in the conference room being told I was being let go, they turned off my email, escorted me to my desk and gave me a whole 30 min. to pack my desk and leave. They stood over me and watched while I packed. Wouldnt let me take any of my personal files from my computer. Out right treated me like a criminal. Goes to show you what 9 years of loyalty will get you!!

    I am actually releieved to be gone from that sweat shop! Maybe I will go to India and work for 2ad pro! They atleast seem to be treated more fair than we were!

  14. we lost mostly managers and/or editors in nashville...some needed gotten rid of, some did not

    leave jim and sparky alone on how they're affording this vacation. Maybe they were smart and have not spent every penny they made through the years and actually have money set aside, not to mention severance

  15. Thank you 9:37 and 10:34. You sound like kind, compassionate people. It has helped me tremendously getting calls from my former co-workers. And 11:32 I too was treated like a fired criminal. I never heard ONE thank you for my time served - not one. That really, really hurt me.

  16. Another one here treated like a fired criminal, and with not a word of thanks for the many hours of overtime and extra effort. Why work so hard to alienate so many former employees?

  17. I'm so glad Gannett is the only company experiencing layoffs right now. Heaven forbid other employees from other companies would lose their jobs. Or maybe Gannett employees are the only people being treated with disrespect on their way out the door. No, that can't be it. They all are handled in practically the same fashion. I think it's that our employees (maybe from the INFORMATION CENTER) think they should receive special treatment because they are doing "God's work". Get real, quit bitching about it and understand that plenty of industries are suffering. Sure we feel for those who have lost their jobs but we must rebuild our business model to fit the current economic climate.

  18. Yes, we are not stupid (although all management thinks we are). The entire economy is having a tough time.

    BUT I don't think a company could treat their employees any worse than Gannett does, especially when booting them out the door. It's worse than insurance companies---people are not just numbers, but nuisances and pesky overhead.

    I have never been so disgusted and disenchanted with the so-called "corporate world" in my life---with how heartless and just plain ignorant a "worldwide" company could be about public relations and general common sense.

    So, 11:06, whoever you are, the way you have reacted to comments shows you are a little too touchy...always a sign of bad management when you can't be corrected or take suggestions.

    No wonder Gannett is doomed.

  19. i say the laid off people should at least get a free life-time subscription to the paper they worked at.....

    if they even want it.

    at least as a kind gesture. these people should be treated like VIPs, not vagrants.

  20. That's right 11:36, make it all someone elses fault and their bad management rather than allowing a different voice than your own on this blog. I think that the top management has problems but certainly you are part of the problem as well. Touchy and tired of complaining are very different. We need to help make things better or you should go to work for another company where it is all roses and rainbows. Where revenues flow like fountains, where newsroom employees out number the rest of the newspaper staff 5 to 1. Get real and allow others to have an opinion that differs from you own.

  21. 11:06, I was let go and not from the newsroom. I think many of the comments about the way we were treated during out departure has nothing to do with blaming the company for it's current state. All we were asking for was a little respect and gratitude for ourloyalty to the company while we were employed. I know,speaking for myself, that I came to work everyday to try and do my best to keep the company viable and I am not sitting here now blaming anyone for the layoffs per se - it's how they were executed (at least in my case), Your harsh words may come back to bite you someday. Try a little kindness.

  22. BITE ME 11:06.

    Just wait, your day too will come!! You poor thing, you actually think Gannett will rebuild its business model? HA! Sounds like a OC member talking here. So highly paid and under worked!! It really is roses and rainbows in your world??!! At the rate Gannett is laying off, there will only be prescious OC members left...then who will you delegate all the work too???? Guess you will have to work for that big ol' paycheck for a change!!

    If you havent heard yet...NEWSPAPERS ARE DIEING!! Better start working on your Obit!

  23. 9:13 a.m., I busted my ass to be part of the solution, year in and year out. I put out a section that brought in significant revenue for my paper. Significant. As in 6 figures. And when I left, it was "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." Gannett is making money hand over fist on the sweat and blood of the "complainers" who populate this blog and is not grateful for anything that any of these folks do. Of course we're angry. And with good reason. This whole situation is bogus, and top management can't handle the fact that the curtain has been pulled back and the Grand Wizard has been revealed as nothing but a bitter, greedy, hateful little man.

  24. 11:06, Gannett is loyal to no one except the all-mighty dollar,
    so watch your back.

    The fact that you jump down our throats with all the "be part of the solution" mumbo jumbo is laughable. And for the business model? WTF? Talk all you want but you are on a sinking ship.

    You have scared off all of your good employees, and the poor saps still there are there because they have to be (AKA a paycheck).


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