Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Wednesday | Your Layoff News & Comments

This section is now closed to new comments. Today's Edition.


  1. New from Salisbury, please?

  2. This is a continuation of Wednesday's Real Time Comments. Please see Part 2.

  3. Stop breaking up the comments threads, assball.

  4. I have to, or they grow too long.

  5. Wait, 7:33, I'm 7:19, I did actually mean the bloated staff at the Crystal Palace. Michelle/Evan are the leaders of the "corporate newspaper division" staff. It just infuriates me that the newspapers get slashed and yet this corporate staff remains untouched in this round. I know they lost some good employees last time, but that was usurped by the hiring of those two new executives. Infuriating! Sorry I wasn't clear.

  6. Maness, once Sue Clark Johnson's pet, and now under Hawk Martore's wing, will somehow be saved or resurrected.

  7. Jim's whine about the Nieman post shows why this blog is ending.

    He has never been able to absorb any legitimate criticism of this blog.

    Just imagine what will happen if his beefcake expo is criticized!

  8. 7:41, you are definitely correct. From the 11th floor to the 1st, practically every department on each GCI floor at Crystal Palace has baggage hanging that should've been gone long ago.

  9. I like the strings shorter. Helps to pick back up where I left off and not have to dug around a ton. Suppose it is a preference that 7:37 will need to get use to that is the way Jim chooses to do things.

  10. Layoffs are continuing. Arizona Republic's aren't expected to be wrapped up until 7 p.m. Arizona time, which is 10 p.m. Eastern.

  11. I'm 6:02 (corp mensch) and wanted to clarify a few things:

    --to 6:11 - I was being facetious about making mgt work for you. But what I meant in that graf was take the lead as much as possible and make them reactive (as GB has done to some degree, altho it's been 3rd hand rather than direct to them) by continually asking questions even if they aren't answered, requesting all-staffs, etc. They might not respond but trust me, they're paying attention and you can manipulate their actions.

    --to 6:15 - I meant EEOC rules re: mass layoffs, not individual situations. You're right when it comes to a single position. But there are requirements about ensuring diversity continues after big layoffs. With this DC company, 80-85 pct of its 60-70 laid-off staff were over 40 and/or minority, plus several in one news dept were gay and their supervisor had been investigated earlier for discrimination. Only 1-2 people in that layoff were under 30 and white. EEOC got complaints about the overall percentages and how the decisions were made as well as individual complaints, they did the required prelim exploration and decided the company's hiring/retention practices were worthy of formal investigation. Not to mention that about 2 years ago, this company finally ended a 15-20 yr consent decree employee discrimination.

    --to 6;44 and others - the goal with these staggered layoffs is to make it totally confusing and impossible to track. And while I know most of you here are journalists (as I was for 7 yrs), it's human nature to avoid covering stories that having conflicting information. Some of you need to keep good, factual running tabs to use when needed.

    --to 6:51 and others - They want to lowball the number for several reasons. 1) It proves GB and employee sources wrong and therefore unreliable re: future "rumors." This is really important for mgt to investors and pretty much the rest of the world: they want to break your credibility and put a lid on the rash of WSJ, Reuters, NY Times, etc pieces that ran with the initial count. 2) Wall St doesn't care about headcount, it cares about cost-cutting overall. Contrary to your thinking, investors are often skeptical about media companies cutting so many bodies without seemingly having a plan to move ahead. By reducing even a potential 4500 to what appears to be 1400, your mgt looks like it might be more strategic than expected.
    And if your former pr person is on vacation and leaving it to your new person, remember that s/he will be able to answer any media inquiries by saying, “I’m new, I don’t know, I can’t find out.” That’s a problem that creates a cozy dead-end, so you need to get in touch with reporters working this story and point them in direction of good solid sources. But also, the former person’s absence lets you all start pressing the new person directly (when s/he doesn’t have a safety net to run to) for answers (go send a bunch of questions that person’s way), a better timing for the all-staff conf call, additional info, etc. Get this person chasing around based on your diplomatic demands.

  12. 7:42

    You're close, but not quite there.

    Jim can't stand criticism of himself, because in his own mind he's always right.

  13. I hoped to leave this string open overnight, without advance moderating, because of the volume of news.

    But management's allies are out in force once more, apparently to clog up his string so it will be unusable.

    Sorry folks. But I'll just try to catch up early in the morning. Thursday is going to be a long, long day.

  14. During the interim, of course, please consider visiting and posting to Thanks for your patience!

  15. 6:02 - corp mensch - just wanted to say "thanks" for the advice and the solidarily. It means a lot to have a little "outside" validation. We're not all crazy - this is crap!

  16. More about Pete Bronson's "deleted" farewell in Cincy.

  17. I'll second that one, mensch.

    You've given support to my strong suspicion that management's allies have been on a concerted campaign to undermine my credibility, and so destroy this blog's effort's to give employees a voice.

    That campaign moved into higher gear shortly before the annual shareholder's meeting on April 28. And now I'm seeing signs that it has had some effect. Perhaps the single most discouraging thing I've read in months was that post today on the Nieman Journalism Lab's blog. The author might as well have kicked me in the head while I'm down.

    I've been sleep-deprived for weeks now, and too often skip meals to keep up with the pace of comments and tips here. I'm writing this at 2:18 a.m. where I live, after starting my work day at 8 a.m. That's a relatively short day compared to most. I'm quitting now, mostly because tomorrow -- the long-awaited layoff day -- is going to be awfully long.

    I'm proud of the work we've done on this blog over the past nearly two years. Yet, I just don't have the heart to do this anymore. I'm signing off for good at midnight on Friday, ET.

    Understand this, however. Corporate hasn't won. I haven't won. Everyone, it seems, has lost in how this company was mismanaged into near-oblivion under current leadership.

  18. Can someone verify the report that James Jackson in Cincinnati was a victim?

  19. Gannettoid has a report that the Lancaster, OH Eagle-Gazette lost one on the datadesk and another in the graphics department. More non-newsroom layoffs expected tomorrow.

  20. Pete Bronson's age got him laid off, not his politics. They are after salaries, and older employees making a lot are going to play a big part of these layoffs, I believe.

  21. Jim, you *should* be proud of what you've done. Don't let the bastards get you down. Thousands of us are truly grateful for what you've provided.

  22. Some points for Lansing:

    --Remember that a few months ago a retired pressman was telling people that he heard all Michigan sites wouuld be printing at the new Detroit plant before year-end. That left open questions about consolidation of copy editing functions.

    --Publisher Brian Priester spent a day in Detriot last week. Have not heard why, but doesn't take much to speculate that printing is moving, so "production" director becomes "operations" director.

    --The two director-level people who were dismissed came from departments where there were two executive-level positions and only one was kept. (The remaining circ executive is a former CD at other Mich locations; there is still a finance director on site after the departure of the controller.) There is one more dept. with two executive level managers: News. Will both the EE and ME be standing at 5 p.m. Thursday? Stay tuned ......

    And BTW, stop being so hard on the EE. This crap is no fun for anyone. Just look at him -- you think this isn't eating him alive?

    The people leaving will, of course, be upset. But it's going to be far worse for the people who stay -- especially if you are going to sit around bitching behind each others' backs about who is or is not dead weight.

    Just assume that everyone brings something to the table that you don't see and that everyone has a shortcoming or two, whether you see it or not. Judge no one. Spend your time and energy finding a new job BEFORE the bozos in the Crystal Tower crash land the entire company, OK? Don't hate on each other. It's pointless.

  23. Arizona Republic is notifying by telephone (possibly even by an outside company.)
    Phone calls have already started.

  24. Just read on Newsache that James Jackson's departure is a rumor.

  25. Dear Courier-Post low-life,

    Not to steal any thunder from the Obama administration, I must say that I was left with a huge bag of poop to deal with when I joined the CP. None of what has happened or is about to happen is my fault. I was stuck with this crappy mess. Afterall, I am a Gannett publisher with high morals and compassion for every scumbag, I mean employee, in our company.

    Was it my fault that I was handed a complete bozo running the news department? Hell no! He came here before I took over.

    Because I am such a people person I immediately engaged in a series of employee meetings when I got here for the sole purpose of taking the pulse of the company employees. I was so good at this and got you fools to believe that I was going to listen to what you had to say and then make improvements for the better of company moral! Some of these fools did open up and tell me what was on their feeble minds. By now, they’ve all been punished or tortured adequately.

    One of my best moves was bringing into the Courier-Post my asshole buddy Tom from North Jersey where I worked before I came here. As I promised my superiors, he is an expert at trimming shrubs and ranting and raving on top of tables. He also has one of the foulest mouths I know and has caused many in our company to blush with his rantings. He was deemed to be a perfect addition to the management staff and of course got the job. (So glad I have a buddy on board to talk to).

    Even though the national economy began to tank during my tenure, I am pleased to admit that I really showed my strategic management skills by keeping the retail advertising department pretty much in tact for a couple of years as it was when I arrived. (Aside from the fact that a good number of the truly professional and productive sales people left - fuck them too) Look how well advertising has done. We're not down THAT much. Who can complain?

    One of my better management moves was making sure that the retail advertising director was given a free hand to “build” her organization by placing some of her better people in management positions. Bumbling idiots and school children got those jobs even though I was assured that they were highly experienced and not complete butt holes as was suggested by certain others (them I got rid of in a timely manner). One annoyance I can share with you is that I got many calls from long standing advertisers about the nasty attitude and ineptness of some in my ad department. Well fuck these people. We are the Courier-Post and I don’t need to hear needless whining and complaining about my ad director’s pets from low life advertisers. They can go somewhere else to run their crappy little ads.

    My best move was to take the advice of the ad director and allow her to install a complete moron as retail classified manager. I did consider putting the lead maintenance guy in that job but I realized that I had already targeted him to be fired during a recent round of executions.

    aMany are wondering if the ad director really resigned. Give me a fucking break! And I’m about to get even with the rest of you scum in the coming hours because you dared to question me, the all seeing, all knowing leader of our organization. Am I worried that we won’t have enough staff around to publish a quality paper each day going forward? Am I worried that the sales staff consists of a bunch of incompetents who couldn’t sell hot dogs at a ball game? I don’t give a shit, frankly. Thankfully, our newsprint costs will continue to drop as will our delivery expenses as circulation drops like a boulder into Grand Canyon. Keep them expenses low folks.

    So, good luck. To those who are about to be shown the door…I will be glad to have you out of my hair. And to those of you who will remain. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.


    Your loving leader

  26. They're getting rid of an assload of PDs... Evan has to pick up the slack by being the PD proxy from the Crystal Palace.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. AFAIK James Jackson is just a rumor, now picked up by local media.

  29. Honestly, it's still pretty clear that the posts criticizing Jim are all written by the same person. Dude, buy a clue. Or a hobby.

  30. I haven't seen it reported here yet, so I'll add:

    Pensacola News Journal today closed one open sports position, eliminated one community announcement clerk (over age 45 BTW), and eliminated two other non-newsroom employees, but offered them jobs in advertising.

    These positions are in addition to the 80 or so folks who lost their jobs when the PNJ closed its press recently and shipped its printing to a non-Gannett paper.

    None of the newsroom layoffs were "middle" managers, though the PNJ employs three top editors (EE, ME and AME), at least two digital editors and three columnists.

  31. has jk from app been shown the door yet?

  32. Here's another post from CityBeat that includes several staffers cut in Cincy - including James Jackson.

  33. Some news from Indianapolis Star:

    One mid-level city room editor, one designer, one online person, and one AME. More tomorrow, certainly. Don't know about non-newsroom people.

  34. They could back a couple of 16 car metro trains and they'd still not clear out the dead weight at Crystal Palace. That includes most of USAT as well. Talent? And they had to go out and hire a new corp. flak on top of it all? hahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahah

  35. Binghamton has lost 4 so far: 1 in Ad Services, 1 in Advertising, 1 in building services, and 1 in news. More to come tomorrow.

  36. Mike Wieber did a lot more than the Regional Controller. Davies is always trying to find ways to make his fu@@ ups look like someone else did them. Davies even paid his LSJ Subscription with a credit card that was declined. I wonder who he will blames is fu@@ ups on now that Mike is gone. Watch out assistant controller you will be his next victim.

  37. Over 50? Shmifty!
    They are targeting those who are younger and hungrier and who want to learn. Oh, and they make about 1/2 of their 50+ counterparts too.
    We lost a 20-something today who was AWESOME at their job.

  38. Here's a partial list of those let go in Cincy.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Was this a tip off to how many cuts Lansing is going to have?

    Grand Avenue Parking Lot
    Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:33 PM
    To: Lansing-All; LCN-ALL

    Beginning Wednesday, July 1, 2009, Lansing State Journal has rented parking spaces in a portion of the large Grand Avenue parking lot. Twenty (20) spaces in the NE corner of the lot near Cherry Street have been designated for tenant parking. These spaces have been lined with white paint. Additionally, spaces at the very back of that corner will also be used in the winter for snow removal.

    It is important that those spaces remain open for the tenant’s use. LSJ employees are able to use any other portion of the Grand Avenue lot which is designated with yellow paint. Based on the number of available spaces in the lot, we are confident that employees will have sufficient parking. If you have questions, please feel free to contact HR.

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Any news out here in Reno. I thought the ax was going to fall today but as of 5pm when i left, still nothing!

  43. Best wishes to you Jim. I now see what you have had to endure these past two years. It has sickened me to see what corporate is capable of. I just hope the stockholders can read between the lines and see the monster that Gannett has become.

    Have a good night's sleep. You will need it. Sure all the corporate trolls will be on high alert.

  44. Musical chairs in Wisconsin.

    "Restructuring" means six out of the 10 newspapers now have ONE person in both the publisher and executive editor spot. The six with big changes so far are Fond du Lac, Marshfield, Sheboygan, Stevens Point, Wausau, Wisconsin Rapids.

    The changes include Wausau editor Mark Baldwin heading to Stevens Point as GM/editor. (Mike Beck, publisher in Wausau, also has a new role -- but elsewhere, I think.)

    Sheboygan publisher Richard Roesgen heads to Fond du Lac as GM/editor.

    Fond du Lac's executive editor AND publisher (Avi Stern, Bill Hackney) have been laid off, if I'm not mistaken.

  45. Jim,

    What do you think of the announcements in Wausau?

    From what I hear, both the publisher and the executive editor are headed elsewhere. Think it has anything to do with the problems you dug into??

    Either way, very nice work reporting that one (sincerely).

  46. Phx is losing roughly 100 total, across the board. This includes reassignments.

  47. 2 low guys let go at the app pressroom

  48. Hey, Rochester... You said they started layoffs today and said the D&C was taking out about 40 employees or did you mean they are only taking out the employees over 40 years of age...because that's what they did in the last round back in December...

  49. From the info I have been told here is what I know:

    Louisville CJ-
    1) site manager
    2)Digital advetising ad designer
    3)Marketing designer

    None from advertising sales thus far.. Rumor has it that employees were today and managers are Thursday.

  50. corp mensch-

    You are absolutely correct:
    "2) Wall St doesn't care about headcount, it cares about cost-cutting overall. Contrary to your thinking, investors are often skeptical about media companies cutting so many bodies without seemingly having a plan to move ahead. By reducing even a potential 4500 to what appears to be 1400, your mgt looks like it might be more strategic than expected."

    I know FOR A FACT these layoffs were purely dollar driven.

    The sad thing is... I've worked for Gannett over 18 years and felt they treated their employees rather well. It's just in the past 18 months or so where the financial people have driven a once great company into the ground. (Yes, it was a great company, whether you want to believe it or not).

    If there is anybody at Corporate who is reading this, all I can say is - you have no idea the damage you have done today and will do tomorrow, just to appease what little shareholder interest there is left.

    This is truly a sad time (and we thought December was bad - wait for tomorrow).

  51. James Jackson says on his twitter account that he's grateful he still has his job. Heard the rumor - that would have been incredible if they had let him go.

  52. Editorial chief David Hawpe out in Louisville, along with manager editor Ben Post, two people in marketing and a rumored 10 others in news. More names dropping Thursday.

  53. Heard the Bob at the Republic got canned.

  54. What is an assball? Circ Director in Elmira seen trying to squeeze her fridge out the door.

    Ad Mgr in Elmira thought he was gone. But he was spared after they scared him with a meeting with some assball from Binghamton.

    One confirmed whackjob in Binghamton.

  55. Goodbye, Jim, we hardly knew ye.

  56. 2 gone in Shreveport so far: an ad designer for two niche mags and another prepress person. more Thursday.

  57. Jim,

    First, a heartfelt thanks for your efforts on this blog which kept us all informed. Best of luck in the future and good health.

    Secondly, to all over 40 year old workers, please pay attention to the Older Workers Benefits Act. Google for the specifics.

    Anyone over 40 may benefit.

    If our wonderful company gives us less severance benefits than anyone younger there may be a suit we can file. Will this apply to previous layoffs? For example, if a 30 year old got a week of severance per each year served in the previous layoff yet a 45 year old gets only unemployment plus the difference on the current round--

    --did Gannett violate the equal severance clause? Did the earlier severance packageset a president for their policy??

    Who knows, check it out. Also check out their 45 day date as far as signing any wave agreement.

    Of course, I am not a lawyer.

    Check out the language of this sample contract designed to protect employers


    To Gannett Corporate who I know reads this blog--dot your i's and cross your t's cause if you did not I am coming after you with a good friend who is a veerry good lawyer who wants a piece of you.

    Disgruntled former employee to face?

    You have lots who have probably gone to law school.

    Think of all the juicy e-mails and memos we have saved. Think of how this will play to a jury.

    Think of us giving corporate folks their very own subpoena.

    Just THINK.


  58. As of 11:15pm CST... the Montgomery (AL) Advertiser laid off 3 people tonight. IT technician, Pressman, Mailroom supervisor (long-timer). Tomorrow will be hell-day in Montgomery. To call someone in to work on their day off, assure them that you're calling because you need them to work... then to let them go after they get in, change into uniform... lying assholes. This last year (and actually going all the way back to 2001) has been the most pathetically played out bullshit ever.

  59. Wow, do I have mixed feelings about your demise. You havethe only game in town - the other site is a mess. You sometimes did actual reporting. And you often gave light to happenings in the company that had been supressed.

    But you are certainly paranoid. I am criticizing you because someone at corporate told me to? Bullshit.

    You are as guilty as those you criticize when you will not allow me to think on my own, disagreeing with both you AND corporate.

    You gave us a place to compare notes on the company, something that hadn't happened before. But, while you railed against some of the tyrants of this firm, you joined them in the nastiness, while many of us wished you would have had the balls to approach this blog with class. You added insult to injury, for me, when you lauded some of your fav mentors in the the last few days. One of them was as big a tyrant as I have ever seen in GCI, and that stretches 30 yrs and a half dozen properties.

    What is your problem with the Neiman piece? It seemed dead on to me. Try this: Count the last 50 comments or posts you have made. If about 90 percent weren't news about the company, then you failed. I would guess at least 50 percent dealt with either promoting your other gig or covering your ass.

    I am sorry you will be going, as the other site is not going to work for me. I will lose a source of information that I have come to rely on. But I will not for a moment miss your self-centered approach.

    I knew you once. Thought you were better than this. I have not been "sent" by corporate. But I do hope you are getting counseling. If you are not eating and sleeping and your relationship is on the rocks, you need help.

    Sorry it didn't work out.

  60. At least 8 in Nashville got the ax late in the day Wednesday.

  61. Heard from Phoenix colleagues tonight. Sounds like 3 folks in advertising and one ad manager. 2 editors and a designer in CPG, worst part, the CPG folks didn't get it in person, a phone call from an ineffective GM.

  62. This from Phoenix and Editor Randy Lovely:

    This evening, Nicole and I contacted the individuals directly impacted by the staff reductions. We have lost 20 of our friends and colleagues.

    These employees have been invited to attend sessions tomorrow with our human resources department, and they also have been welcomed to come to the newsroom. I'm sure you all will extend your best thoughts and wishes to them as they begin to cope with this difficult news.

    I realize the past couple of weeks have been difficult and unsettling for everyone. I appreciate your patience as we have gone through this difficult process.

    Your department director will meet with you early in the morning to share information about any impact on your team, and we will have a full staff meeting at 4:30 Thursday in Sigma Delta Chi so that I talk about how we will move forward from this challenge.



  63. Jim, do you even consider the possibility of keeping the comments threat open, at least for a week or so more? You wouldn't have to do anything, just keep it possible for people to continue to post here for another week or so, to maybe make for a smoother transition to Gannettoid (though I fear there will be no transition and people will just give up).

    I think a big part of the reason this blog has had any success if obviously because of you and your efforts. You should be proud of the work you've done here. It wasn't perfect, but what is? You've done far, far more good than bad. When you're on, you're really on and you're a credit to the profession.

    Now go and make some real money (I'd do a smiley wink thing here, but I hate those things).

  64. sleepless night here in Phoenix after getting the "call" from big cheese, who assured me they valued my service but had no idea what i did or what was going on in my life. (spouse laid off, no income, no medical insurance, child in college.) Reminded me of when he stood up in front of the staff at the Arizona Republic and said he wasn't sure he could take a job there because he Couldn't be "proud" of working there. I'm sure there's a lot for him to be proud of today.

  65. Jim. You're a real sport for keeping this blog up and running through this round of cuts.

    Be sure Sparky knows that most of us are aware of his sacrifices and appreciate them.

    Also, best wishes to Gannettoid. Although the site isn't designed the same as this one, it's not that hard to navigate. I don't get why everyone likes to bash it so much. Maybe that's just trolls trying to kill it before it gets off the ground.

    Since the owner is running it part-time, it's difficult to expect the same sort of coverage we've seen here, but he/she certainly deserves our support.

    Both you and Gannettoid have a lot of guts, and I thank you both deeply.

  66. Gannettoid: Those of us who want to help you, how do you suggest we make ourselves known?????????????

  67. 1:10 -- Did Randy Lovely really have a typo in his layoff memo? That's classic ... and so typical of what we've got going on at Gannett these days. A top editor who would struggle if forced to do the job of any of the people he supervises.

    Am I being too picky? Not really. If you're going to ruin people's careers with a wink and a smile, you had better be damn well flawless.

  68. 10:41 -- Word is the axe will fall tomorrow in Reno. The publisher -- who has been hacking jobs ever since he arrived there -- was kind enough to fly back from vacation just to give people the boot.
