Sunday, June 15, 2008

Payday on the playa: 4:40 p.m., Ibiza time

I took this photo Friday with my Canon PowerShot SD750, on the beach outside Sa Trinxa Cafe. I was spending my latest severance check, which appeared in my bank account earlier that day.


  1. Again, 'Thanks!' for all the Gan. info you put on your site - a lot of work you put into the site for little or no(?)financial return. For us still afloat with the bobbing and leaking
    SS Gannett your blog serves as a lighthouse. Oh. Take some of that recent severance and buy that guy behind you a bottle of sunscreen. Cheers from Stateside.

  2. Jim

    Where is your smile? None of your pictures ever show your pearly whites. It would seem as though you have a lot to be happy about!

  3. You'll be happy to know that should you want that photo toned, RTC in Des Moines has portapotties set up so that when the rest of Iowa is washed away, the toners can still screw up the photo whilst pooping merrily away.

  4. Jim, when you get your cheeseburger on the sidewalk cafe remember that the French serve an egg on top. Enjoy Paris...I'd move there tomorrow.

  5. Jim,
    Is that Sparky I see in the reflection of your sunglasses???

  6. @5:21 p.m.: Nice try! But: No!


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