Friday, May 30, 2008

Beck: Inside the Argus Leader's Clinton 'maelstrom'

Top editor Randell Beck faced a "maelstrom'' after that Argus Leader editorial board meeting with Hillary Rodham Clinton, where she created headlines mentioning Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 assassination. The newspaper in Sioux Falls, S.D., did a great job: It quickly published video of her remarks, plus a transcript, drawing a surge of readers when the video spread to cable and broadcast TV.

"Visits were up nearly 40% from the previous month,'' Beck writes in yesterday's edition of the weekly News Watch, published by the News Department. "Unique visitors jumped nearly 160%. At last count, the video had generated more than 1.2 million viewed minutes."

Beck says he learned three big lessons from the experience: Streaming video works. Editors must be ready for a video to go viral. And the medium's transparency is a good thing.

Gander? It's Goose -- again
As we discussed the other day, News Watch could be a rich multimedia showcase for Gannett's best work -- an online classroom to discuss outstanding journalism. (I'm not afraid of competition!) For example, look at Beck's piece yesterday: He's writing all about a video, plus associated stories -- without News Watch providing so much as a single link, so readers could easily watch and read on their own. Hello! Linking and embedding aren't hard. Look what I've just done here:

(Confidential to Phil Currie: Little annoys the community newspapers more than Corporate's piling additional digital work on already overstretched newsrooms -- when you guys can't seem to use the most basic technology tools yourselves.)

[Image: this morning's Argus Leader, Newseum]


  1. We would link to the video, but we'd have to make a coversheet for it first.

  2. Jim: From one blogger to another, what tools did you use to embed the Hillary video into your blog? It is terrific.

  3. Maybe next they'll work on recognizing news and writing a story in a hurry, because they appeared to have completely missed the ramifications of what Clinton said at first and I didn't see any copy other than a few paragraphs on their website all day.

  4. I used the embed code, available right on the video player's toolbar.


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