Thursday, May 01, 2008

Countdown: Where we'll be living this summer

Yikes! Today's May 1, which means Sparky and I now have just four weeks to get ready for a temporary move to Spain, where we'll study Spanish and engage in assorted, wholesome (hah!) hijinks on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza. (I might even do some blogging.)

[Image: Google Earth]


  1. Have Fun! You've earned it!!

  2. hey jimbo...time for you to pack it in huh? too bad you didn't deliver at the shareholders meeting.

    god luck in spain.

  3. Note to all: I've never disabled the comments feature on a post until now. Why? Because a couple of mothafuckers have started going after my domestic partner, Sparky. You can attack me. You can attack each other. You can attack management. You can attack your neighbors fluffy kitten. But you will NOT go after Sparky. No. Fucking. Way.
