Friday, April 25, 2008

Neuharth and his son, Ali

The retired Gannett CEO tells a sweet story today.


  1. Next: Al explains how a single viewing of "The Sound of Music" permanently ended major depressive episodes in his entire family.

    Coming Monday: Stage-IV cancer? Not after a 30-minute walk holding hands with the Neuharth family!

  2. Come on. Be nice. I'm as critical of Big Al and the rest of Gannett as anyone, but any family deserves credit for doing the best they can by their children - especially when one of those children is autistic.

  3. I have two children with autism, both in their teens now, and a third with a related problem, "pervasive developmental disorder." One of the frustrations of raising them was the lack of medical insurance coverage for any type of developmental therapy.
    My state mandates coverage for autism -- but the newspaper is "self-insured," and thus exempt. I was out many, many thousands of dollars trying to pay for things like speech therapy out of pocket, (at $100 or so a session. Financially, we were limited as to how many sessions they could attend.
    If Al still has any influence left with the company, maybe he could champion changing the insurance policy. Mostly too late for me, but not for others.

  4. That man couldn't care less about his fellow human being - please he doesn't pay a dime on his health insurance for himself or his family. Another of these little executive incentives.

    And he speaking for employees????? Please, he wouldn't even utter an hello passing a lowly employee.

    It's time to get the rose-colored Disney glasses off re. Gannett executives.

  5. Re-read Neuharth's column.
    Still wonder why people deeply loathe the mainstream media -- and in particular media moguls? No finer example exists (though the week isn't over yet).
    Absolutely -- families like Anonymous @ 12:05 (w/2 autistic kids & a 3rd w/PPD) deserve any credit, consideration, sympathy and help available.
    Dilettante 84-year-olds who...
    ...believe their money and power entitle them to parent a very young special-needs child...
    ...have utterly NO medical training yet fancy themselves fit to reduce and dismiss all knowledge of autism in three grade-school level sentences...
    ...and then cap off this disgraceful blathering with "Other Voices" quotes that are simply fawning praise for Neuharth himself...
    Well, let's just say they fail to immediately arouse and secure one's compassion.

    Check out the Fathers' Day column he wrote in 2007. At the end of his dazzlingly fresh observations, who was selected for "Feedback" commentary? Karina Fornes-Neuharth.

    Perhaps next spring Al can be pevailed upon to further honor our profession with a well-crafted essay on why he likes canned corn.


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