Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Shafer: McClatchy holds key to GCI's future

Slate's media critic Jack Shafer, writing about CEO Gary Pruitt's tough choices amid No. 3 publisher McClatchy's stock price collapse, says in a new column: "Whatever Pruitt does with his troubled company newspapers -- sell some titles at depressed prices, cut expenses, cut circulation, cut staff, or something more inventive -- will inform the strategies of other newspapers. He's got to do something. What will it be?"

[Photo of Pruitt: McClatchy Co.]


  1. Here's my question: At what point do you think the biggest institutional shareholders in Gannett are going to revolt and demand a sale of the company, in pieces or as a whole?

  2. Maybe it's already happening? I suspect that No. 1 stockholder Brandes Investment Partners and No. 2 AXA are waiting for details of a new restructuring plan that could be unveiled as soon as this month when, I believe, Gannett's publishers are getting together.

  3. Company spokeswoman Tara Connell just told me that the publishers ARE NOT meeting in March. Anyone have any more details on any upcoming meeting?

  4. Jim, there's a meeting every other week of one sort another according to my source there (a former co-worker of mine here in the hinterland). What kind of meeting are you looking for?

  5. Any meeting where publishers may be discussing a possible restructuring of the company -- possibly including the sale of underperforming newspapers.


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