Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Recession fears, a meteorite, and a mower

Datelines is an occasional roundup of news topping Gannett websites.

McLean, Va.: More than three in four Americans think the country is in a recession, a USA Today/Gallup Poll over the weekend shows, reflecting a crisis of confidence that economists say could make the economy worse. Elmira, N.Y.: One day after taking the oath of office, New York Gov. David Paterson today is expected to further address his admission that he had an extra-marital affair. Indianapolis, Ind.: A piece of meteorite stolen from a museum was recovered after a man who owns another slice of the same rock saw it at a gun show. Tulare, Calif.: A lawn mower, two chain saws and a leaf blower were reported stolen to the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department.

[Image: this morning's USA Today, Newseum]

1 comment:

  1. Wooohoooo!!! Myron "Maui" Maslowski!!!


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