Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Reader: Quit your 'out of touch complaining'

A reader, commenting on my post about job cuts at the Iowa City Press-Citizen, says: "Gannett Blog has become the typical out of touch newspaper site. Companies across the globe are making much bigger job cuts, outsourcing and consolidation than the Gannett company. Wake up and smell the 21st century. What started out as a blog that had some insight and balance about the good and bad of running a newspaper company has turned into a sad state of out of touch complaining. If you don't like working for Gannett then leave."

Join the debate in the original post, here.


  1. Sounds like my managing editor.

    Here's the deal - I don't like working for Gannett. Matter of fact, I fucking hate what this company has become. But I LOVE working with my colleagues. I still love the thrill of working on deadline. I still believe in what I do.

    You're right, this is the 21st century. But as far as I can tell, we, the backbone of Gannett, have the right to flat out bitch about the executives running this company into the ground with ill-thought initiatives and tight pockets.

    But rather than cut and run, as you so suggest, I would rather work to effect some sort of change, however minor that may be. This blog gives me hope, let's me know that other folks are facing similar challenges but are still hanging tough and gives me quite a few laughs each week. And it's free.

    Get over yourself, Mr. 21st Century. Your willingness to bend over for the man dates you.

  2. ...Until YOUR job is cut.

  3. you guys are funny

  4. It's one thing to want to help the company to aspire to be a better place to work but to cry over every little perceived injustice is silly. Moving the company forward takes guts, change and employees embracing a competitive spirit.

  5. local management isn't respected enough to have their opinions asked about who should be cut from what I can tell?? seems like gannet just looks at salary numbers and doesn't consider the work load that person carries. The end result is you keep the lazy people on board because they have terrible reviews and haven't been given the raises in the past...smaller salaries keep their jobs. no wonder their stock prices are where they are with these type of management decisions being made.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.