Wednesday, March 05, 2008

New Gannett Blog survey: Where do you work?

Gannett Corporate? A newsroom? Somewhere else in Gannett? It's been three months since I last asked this question -- and my daily traffic has only grown, so it's time for an update. The answers are important to keeping this blog focused on what readers want. (Hey, I'm not the only one doing readership surveys!)

Vote, please, using the poll box at the top of the blue sidebar, right. Questions? Use this link to e-mail your reply; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the sidebar, upper right. Or leave a note in the comments section, below.


  1. Non-Gannett, but I used to know people who do. One was an editor/writer who often groused to me about the quality v. quantity of "journalism" he had to produce. I felt bad for the guy, but on the other hand his paper was bigger than mine.

    I read because it's good to know what's going on in the industry.

  2. There are no Gannett newsrooms anymore. They are Information Centers.

  3. That's is correct, no newsrooms, they are information centers. and here a news for you, if you don't like it, you should quit and move on.

  4. To the Gannettoid that left the "you should quit and move on" comment; leave that person alone, he or she was just telling peole what has become of the Gannett newsroom. Secondly, correct your grammar "That's is correct" "and here a news for you" ??? too funny, were you in a rush, did you have to hurry and get back to the Information Center and update a web brief. Thirdly, enough with the tough talk, that person probably can not quit now with the current job market.

  5. I guess i need to utilize my copy editor more often.

  6. Do you still have some left after the buyouts?

  7. Or did GCI outsource them to India?

  8. Proudly voted ex-Gannetoid. Cincinnati. A witness to Chiquita. And did you ever hear about The Rebecca Collins Story? Another stellar moment in The Enquirer's history recalled.

    That "manager" is still in Gannett. And it was no gossip.

    Rock on.

  9. The Gannett Blog has hit a wall. Employee complaining and "woe is me" is only good for so long. If you want to lead a conversation on this site then become a leader. Take it in a new direction. Raise the intelligence level of the site. Sounds like you need to do some of your own reporting on the changes in the media industry. Time for you to start spending more time reading about innovation, new distribution methods, new storytelling, new skill sets the folks in the newspaper industry need to acquire to compete for readers and advertisers attention, etc. Do yourself a favor and take a break for a while and come back with fresh ideas and examples from companies that are doing innovative work. You can see with the folks that are now cursing in one sentence comments that the conversation has hit a new low.


  11. To Anon@5:48 p.m. I don't think this blog has hit a wall -- yet. I'm sure keeping an eye out for that possibility, however.

    I think there's a lot of grousing on this blog because there's a lot of unhappiness across the company, waiting to be released in a public setting for all to read and share. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first blog devoted to Gannett. It's barely two months old, counting Jan. 11 as my launch out of stealth mode. So, there's a lot of pent-up ranting that's probably going to take place, and I'm willing to step aside and let that happen. It may not always make for the best reading (come on, people, we CAN write in semi-complete sentences!). But I do think it's healthy.

  12. It is healthy as long we stay positive.

  13. Come on friends, when exactly were journalists considered a happy,content group. Ever since they wore hats with brims reporters have been complaining about editors, the "Company" and everyone and anyone who disagreed with their point of view. Happy, content folks don't come to blogs like this. The "respect" and "dignity" folks, you know the guys who feel justified to defecate on the floor group of happy campers come to blogs like this. Keep on whinning kids.

  14. I work in a Ad Production dept in one of the soon to be outsourced art depts in a central nj paper. Some 40+ people are working hard every day, knowing that we are to be replaced by cheap labor half way across the world. It is very depressing for creative people like us, to know this and still be pleasant to sales and each other! And still produce quality work, that we have been doing for years! If only our advertisers knew what was going on at Gannett. I guess they will when the quality goes down hill, after we are all gone. Such a damn pity.

  15. Anonymous 8:01:
    Do you know for a fact you are being outsourced? Don Lemire was in Cherry Hill with the head honchos on Tuesday. He's the group controller and when I saw him come in, I was wondering if we were going to lose our artists too. I don't know why you'd bring him in for a readership meeting.

  16. Yes, we were told by our vice pres. of production that this was starting up (told on Feb. 27) May, June 2008. They would be eliminating 300 hours, that is 8 people from the dept. We would all eventually be eliminated when the 2ADPro is in full swing. When? not sure, but they would start with 5% of the total ads submitted to our dept. and then go on from there. Of course he did not say that outright, but suggested to start looking around and not hesitate taking another postion in or out of the company if the oppty arises. Everybody is on the edge. My co-workers & I all have 13-22 yrs with the company. This is so terrible for us.

  17. WOW, I wonder when Digital will be outsourced too. It seems that India has lots of more talents than the people here. Once all of Gannett is on one platform, it will be interesting to see what will happen with that group.

    M&A is what will allow Gannett to improve its strategy and bottom line. People of it payroll keep pushing the stock down. We should say innovation should help, but there are no innovation, (the group should be called M&A).

    If Gannett really cares about Innovation, then they should host a town hall meeting and try to come up with ideas.

    I can proudly say that some of the people I work with are very talented with lots of smart ideas that can put Gannett on the same level as Google or yahoo, but their voices are never heard. It never reach the people on the top, and the people in the middle too worried to bring or share anything with the top or should I say the people in the middle cannot explain the ideas to the top.

    We have lots of TALLENT; we just need a process to capture these ideas. Hopefully soon!!

  18. What everyone seems to forget is that the crisis at the Courier-Post is largely due to reporters, and employees in finance being forced to work hours in excess of their normal hours without being paid over-time, or receiving any compensation, for the excess hours. This is not only unfair, but illegal. Management is well aware that employees are working OT they just think if they ignore it they cannot be held accountable. I suspect that the negativity to comments in this blog are from management and not line employees.

  19. I work at one of the "other" locations. We are pretty self-sufficient, but we invariably end up working with the newsrooms and with corporate both. As such, this blog has been a great read for someone like me to get a feel for the heartbeat of the company at large.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.