Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday Recap: We're loving our big bonuses!

Posts you might have missed last week, while management laughed all the way to the bank:
  • A cheesy move? Gannett's 10 Wisconsin newspapers are considering a regional copy desk.
  • Well, no duh! A confidential new report says the future of print papers is all about local news and boomers.
  • Graphic evidence: The company's two-year-old strategic plan, made humorously simple.


  1. How about the 2nd period revenue numbers? Word is they are talking about severe expense cuts in the feild based on P1&2 and estimates for the rest of 2008. What's going on? Budgets were set well below last years numbers and the local business units still cannot get to their nut. What the hell?
    When is GCI going to start looking at the folks that are setting the strategy for the local newspapers and conclude they have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE DOING??!!
    The corporate dumb asses led by Leslie Giallombardo(sales VP) have not had an original idea in their head for years.
    When someting like revenue is easily measured shouldn't Giallombardo be ousted for non-performance yet again? She f'ed up Nashville and now she is doing the same thing to the entire sales org. Why is no one doing anything about it? Someone needs to take a closer look at her and her crackerjack staff! She however needs to move on. How about right now? I can tell you that there will be much celebrating across the country when she leaves. Oh happy day!

  2. How about Michael MannASS too. The only thing he is doing is kissing up to the GMC to justify his job. Where is the innovation? How does he get away with it!

  3. Could someone please tell corporate that blogs and videos online are no longer considered innovative, and haven't been for most of the 21st century?

  4. Check this out Jim!

  5. Look at the volume, linage levels, at GCI over the last ten years. Revenues were driven largely by rate...paying the Piper now.

    Who moved My Cheese? The Perfect Storm...of sorts. Always, always so slow to transform, and to re-create oneself.

    The year will have to "play-out" even in spite of the need to get immediate fixes. Half the corporate staff could go...and not a heartbeat missed. The talent "drain" started under McCorky...Watson and Company.

  6. Sorry, in spite of all the odds and the current directions...driven by Wallstreet, it will take guts, real guts, to do the unthinkable. Claim your rights to the future...and your value.

    Tierny in a foreinstance is spending $6 million on marketing as opposed to $600,000 under Knight Ridder. He has to verve...Dubow does not. Yes, Philly had a miserable bottom line and lazy sales reps collecting a good paycheck.

    With outstanding journalists now gone, the grim reapers have taken their toll. They ought to be re-hired...just like the idiots of IBM had to do years back.

    Where are the guts????


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