Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jersey Confidential: Issue 03.11.09

A comments forum, exclusively for N.J. Group news. (Archives.)


  1. One of my occasional reminders: This comment string is for very New Jersey-specific news -- the sort of local-local comments that better in Jersey Confidential.

    New Jersey Group employees are always free to report news and comments on other posts; please try to keep those of a broader nature. Thanks!

  2. I hope Jim didn't rope us off out here on his own because he knows NJ traffic is about to explode with some giant rumor turning out to be true. I still like my job and would like to be left free to do it to the best of my abilities in around the furloughs and such. I am so weary of having to come here three times a day to see how heavy the other shoe is before it drops on our heads.


  4. For those of us that are out of the loop — What's the giant rumor???

  5. are you talking about a merger perhaps?

  6. are you talking about the health and safety of those in the neptune building

  7. our are you talking about the hole disclosure thing?

  8. Please enlighten us

  9. is this merger going to happen or what? people around my building are buzzing with something supposedly happening on 3/18... if anyone knows anything, please share it.

  10. Now that Gannett has shut down printing in Colorado for a site about 50 miles away, maybe that signals the same kind of action in NJ since most of the papers there or in nearby southern NY are about 50 miles or less from Neptune. As far as I know, the only paper in NJ that is unionized (printing, mail room and circ) is the Courier Post which is located adjacent to Philadelphia.

  11. APP doesn't print in Neptune. Facility is in Freehold.

  12. So CN might move to Neptune

  13. All of the NJ papers will be given a card vote to unionize?What are you trying to say?

  14. To quote Brett and Jemaine: "Too many motheruckers ucking with my shi! My Gannett New Jersey shi!"

  15. OK I give up

  16. Gee, hard to believe that Hortense was censored last night, but 2:47PM was considred just fine and dandy.

  17. Rumor has it that tommorow is going to be thursday

  18. "How many motheruckers? Too many to count, motherucker!"

  19. Oh relax, 4:44 p.m. If you can't laugh at a Flight of the Conchords reference, what can you laugh at?

    Or maybe you're just not a funny person. Or maybe you're the person behind Hortense who whispers in her ear, and your feelings are hurt.

    Or not.

  20. "are you talking about the health and safety of those in the neptune building"

    You should hope not. The hard-hitting reporters here haven't found a way to cover that yet.

    Many of the posters here are likely people with no skills who thought journalism would let them hide out for an entire career. Now their bubble has burst, and they have to find a way to rationalize.

    They can't even expose the problems in a building in their chain. Why should any readers believe in journalism if the people practicing it can't even protect themselves?

  21. As we get closer to the end of this quarter and the "possibility" of further cuts, I wonder if anyone in management is taking a close look at how individual contributions are either contributing or not to the bottom line. It sure seems that there is a lot of dead weight in the advertising departments of certain NJ papers. Why has this not taken into account. Rather there are people there who bring in very little but are kept around. It's not just now in a difficult economy but it's been going for for many many years??!! Lots of us have been scratching our collective heads about this for oh so long while the news rooms get devastated and this is what shows up in the product...less and less. Maybe they (Gannett) want less and less in the product since they use less paper and ink and press time. Any theories about this out there in NJ land??

  22. Ya good luck with that

  23. GNJ has been so far out of step and behind for years. The inefficiency and shortsightedness has been its downfall, not the economy or the problems with the industry. An organization the size of Gannett should hacve been aboe to set the agenda for news and news operations not the other way around.

    Just look at the situation with C-n and HNT. Petty politics has taken its toll.

  24. Yeah...I know. I don't expect to see dime one of that money. But I'm SO PO'd that I want to make a stand. I have to figure in a company as big as Gannett, we have our share of seriously ill employees. And this prescription company (a part of a HUGE drugstore chain), is so pathetic it's frightening. The claim address on our NEW cards is wrong. Claims sent to that address get returned by USPS with Forwarding Order Expired. They delay and delay claims from your Cobra period, hoping you'll give up. Yet some of our management are taking home some nice, fat perks and bonuses.
    I realize many of the reporters have great integrity. It's the upper echelon that's keeping them from reporting NEWS instead of...fluff. When it al goes south, they have no one to blame but themselves and the internet...


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

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