Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wednesday | Jan. 7 | Your News & Comments

Can't find the right spot for your comment? Post it here, in this open forum. Real Time Comments: parked here, 24/7. (Earlier editions.)


  1. Hello, there! How's the weather where you are?

  2. Snowing in Westchester.

  3. In P'Cola it's a very stormy Florida night...65 degrees.

  4. Colder than usual in St. George Utah. I know it's Utah, but I moved here to ditch some of the cold.

  5. It is cold and rainy here in McLean, but we know Larry St. Cyr is coming to the rescue!

  6. More layoffs would certainly explain why 2009 budgets are being held back. How can we make plan if we dont know what plan is?

  7. Here In Arizona where the weather is warm and the people are plain ignorant and cold! Go figure!

  8. I hear out here in phoenix they decided to charge double for home delivery............makes sense to me more people quitting, less delivery and less papers delivered after people quit because they are getting a smaller paer with less content without the intelligent reporters!! You go Gannett, F@@K me,,,,,,,,,,,,F@@K you and F@@K everyone, Hooray for the elite corporate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The egyptian pharoahs live today!

  9. Larry St. Cyr, still not funny!

  10. I'm waiting for some brainiac to decide we should sell all our real estate and presses (in this market) and then lease back our facilities - much the same way Washington, D.C. sold all their transit capital and now leases what they used to own.

  11. 55˚and another day of rain in asheville

  12. Snowing and geting colder in Cincinnati. Downright wintry, now that you mention it.

  13. Cold and rainy in Courier-Post territory.

  14. In Asheville we got three inches of rain yesterday, Tonight maybe snow. It changes every 5 minutes here.

  15. 1:13 Asheville

    I especially love this part from yesterdays comments. They are about the publisher in Asheville.


    If HH had his way, there wouldn't be anyone at the paper that wasn't a model. I heard it on good authority, that one of the Marketing models sits on one side of HH in OC meetings and the blonde sits on the other side. It is not a well kept secret why these women keep their jobs. I have been told by several people at the paper that Gannett told HH to close the marketing department. I bet if the Barbie dolls in marketing weren't Barbie dolls and were over 50 they would be out of their jobs as well.


    That is unbelievable!!! LOL

  16. Raining in NJ - Hey APP! Has Hollis ever turned off the TV, come out of his office and met the newsroom staff yet?

  17. Speaking of Westchester, did you all see the tuition reimbursement program is being "suspended." I suspect that means "cancelled." Anywhere else get that message?

  18. Light snow in Cincinnati.
    A Cincinnati radio talk show host recently said that the Cincinnati Enquirer is "now officially a pamphlet."

  19. Hello, I was fired from Gannett for reasons others than the one I was given. I believe that my age played a part. I Have found 2 others so far who were fired between the time the layoffs were
    announced and just before the voluntary deadline who were also fired for bogus reasons.

    I'm am trying to gather up as many former employees as possible before
    seeing an attorney about filing a lawsuit on our behalf.

    I'm choosing to remain annoyance for now, but I have told Jim my name, what I did for Gannett and where I worked. I want to remain anonymous out of concern of what Gannett legal would do if they learned my name.

    I understand if you want to remain anonymous for now, but please
    include your story and a legitimate email address where I can reach you.

    So, to sum up, if you had been fired wrongly or if you know of a
    co-worker who has been fired wrongly, please send me an email at

    Thank you and I will keep everyone posted on whats happening

  20. Appleton has light snow mixed with freezing drizzle.

  21. 10:08, that's on top of a 1-inch layer of ice. Wonder how the paper deliveries are going in the hinterlands this week?

  22. While at the public library yesterday I overheard a conversation about how nonsensical it is for the Cincinnati Enquirer to charge a higher price for a smaller newspaper. Even readers are dumbfounded by the incompentent management of this company.

  23. to 10:07 AM

    There are a number of people who's terminations were "constructed" between the August and December lay offs. Scenarios were set up in order to have "cause". Saved the company the severance pay.

    Wrongful termination is very difficult to prove.

  24. In case someone hasn't posted:

  25. Hey, Jim, you said you heard yesterday that the cuts being put together for February are 12 percent. I asked someone who says he knows, and am hearing that it is significantly more than that. Do you have any more details from your source?

  26. 11:06 am: I have not heard anything further from any of my sources on the size of any payroll cuts beyond 12%.

  27. 10:54 AM
    The lesson there is document, document, document.

  28. In the end, Cincinnati’s net circulation revenue will grow despite many, many stops.

    It's not an unexpected strategy, but it’s an especially dumb one given the economy and the fact that the Enquirer is noticeably much smaller…hard to hide the elimination of 36 pages per week. And, it’s a bit of a monopolistic move as the Enquirer is the only game in town.

    But don't worry, Buchanan still employs the use of Bonus Days. So, if she can't build real subscription sales, she'll buy them. And, if she falters, she’ll blame the COE’s and everyone else.

  29. In Des Moines, Iowa, its freezing cold outside. And as always in our building, its cold too, seems they run the air conditioning year round. If they want to save money, maybe they could tun off the air in the winter. We can't use portable heaters, it will blow fuses in the building...Also, lights and computers are on all the time. Shouldn't they turn them off after hours or at least weekends?

  30. Jeez, I can't believe more layoffs. Cutting 12 percent is going to be almost impossible, given the reductions we have already seen.

  31. Not to pick on Binghamton’s Sherm Bodner, but his getting lost in the woods seems to exemplify Dubow’s strategic plan(

    At least Bodner can easily add VZ Navigator to his phone, it's too late for Gannett.

  32. So, in Des Moines, the lights are on but nobody's home?

    That, in a nutshell, is the situation throughout Gannett, both literally (decimated staff) and figuratively (clueless management).

    and the weather in Louisville is cold and windy, and the paper is too thin to provide much in the way of either insulation or fuel

  33. Looks like the Newquest situation in Scotland is getting really interesting, according to what I've been reading in The Guardian.

  34. so Hammer likes hot chicks...who doesn't? thet're fun to look at and always smell nice. maybe the fat broads in the office will take notice haha

  35. 8:48
    There isn't any love lost since my lay off in December from Asheville, but I really do need to mention the marketing models. Fact: yes they are good looking. Fact: I am chunky and over 40 without a job...but I know and have worked with these very smart, talented women. They both have contributed grately to gaining revenue for the company, therefore, preserving jobs. They actually have some innovative ideas. Don't judge this book only by its cover.

  36. Did I read correctly that the NEW cuts and lay offs could come as early as Jan 20th? Is that solid or just a rumor?

  37. Fat is not the real issue-- Bridgewater is many fat bodies and many more fat heads.


  39. US companies laid off 700,000 in December. Gannett is nothing special. Get over yourself. My company laid off 23,000. It's easy to put the blame on someone else. Hold your head high and move on.

  40. 12:35 Yes, you read correctly.

  41. Oh please 10:07. You really believe that Gannett laid off thousands of people and gave them each a severance package but in your case they decided to terminate you because of your age so they could save the severance? Say it out loud and you will see how stupid that sounds.

  42. 11:36 likes 'likes hot chicks...who doesn't? thet're fun to look at and always smell nice. maybe the fat broads in the office will take notice haha.
    Ha, ha, yourself. We women of substance and of an interesting age will take notice when the fat toads shoving donuts into their faces and sloshing coffee or soft drinks all over the desks bathe and use underarm deoderant, stop belching contests and laughing at their farts.

  43. My newspaper in Des Moines this week implemented a final edition deadline of 11:10 p.m. CST. This is 30 minutes earlier than it had been, and more than 2 hours earlier than the days of our slower presses. Are there any other newspapers in the chain of our size that have such rediculously early deadlines? It's a killer to our sports department, which now can't get any late scores into the section.

  44. It's flooding here and I'm starting to wonder if Gannett employees will be able to keep their head above the water as more and more people are laid off. Most people are working 8+ hours overtime every week and working sick because there's no one to cover shifts. How can this be saving Gannett money?

  45. My paper, the DJ in Vineland, is now so thin my dog can't even keep it in his mouth to carry to the door. He drops it before he gets there as if he knows it isn't worth the bother. And this costs more now?

    American companies, and of course I'm including Gannett, ought to be ashamed of themselves -- over 700,000 more jobs slashed in December. There is just no excuse for this sheer bottom-line worship. In Japan during their 10-year recession (the "lost decade," for history buffs) layoffs were almost unheard of. Instead, everyone took pay cuts, days off, sacrificed vacation time, etc., for the good of the cause.

    In America, the former home of the brave, we slash people off at the knees. America is now home of the spineless, including the self-aggrandizing, Neuharth-styled, greed-headed jellyfish at Gannett Corporate.

    And they're going to be asking for 12 percent more in 09? If I were a newspaper publisher who's been making six figures for how many years, and not some line-toeing nutt, I would tell them to Go F--- themselves. If they came after me then, I would resign in protest and go very public.

    By the way, it's cold and rainy in South Jersey. I wish it would snow.

  46. 11:29, My thoughts EXACTLY.
    It was karma acting out on behalf of all ex-Gannetteers. LOL

  47. 11:55 Asheville

    The marketing department has two average women that happen to exercise to stay thinner then the norm. I would not call them Barbies at all. The department used to have four people including a designer. Two left for better opportunities and pay and then there were two. Two very well paid girls that are trying to survive when they know good and well that the department is over budget and really does not fit into the Gannett business model for the Asheville paper. Their jobs could easily be done in Greenville.

    Also, before marketing CC someone on a forwarded email they should think about deleting the stuff they said about their coworkers.

  48. 10:07 AM
    I wish the very best to you. It will take lots of courageous people like you to send the signal that age discrimination will not be tolerated.

    Good luck.

  49. Does anybody know if a monetary award goes along with receiving a President's ring? And if so how much?

  50. Has anyone heard about imminent changes among the Louisiana papers.....combinations, closures, etc.?? Lafayette, Akexandria, Monroe, Shreveport?

  51. From the Washington Post ... Gannett station dropping news in favor of infomercials?

    From the news story:
    Facing new economic pressure, WUSA (Channel 9) will drop its weekend morning newscasts later this month and replace them with infomercials and unspecified local programs.

    In recent years, TV stations have tended to expand, not reduce, the number of local newscasts, which were reliable magnets for car dealers and other local advertisers. But TV and radio stations, as well as newspapers, have been battered by the disappearance of advertisers, with the pace of decline accelerating in the post-election, post-holiday period.

    WUSA, a CBS affiliate owned by Gannett Co. of McLean, will eliminate its lightly viewed morning newscasts on Saturday (6-8 a.m.) and Sunday (8-9 a.m.). The last program will be on Jan. 18, two days before the presidential inauguration, said Allan Horlick, the station's general manager. Both newscasts are anchored by Jennifer Ryan.

    Horlick said in an interview that economic conditions are difficult, but the station also wants to "produce its way to a better future" by developing new local programs. "We need to find new ways to connect with our viewers and our advertisers," he said.

    In the meantime, while station managers take suggestions for such programming, Channel 9 will carry program-length commercials during the time it devoted to news. The station already runs infomercials from 5 to 6 a.m. and from noon to 1 p.m. on weekends.

  52. I just got home from a job interview and age discrimination was in neon lights blinking over the interviewer's head. Um, "this position will require someone with a lot of energy" Maybe I was being sensitive but boy is this depressing.

  53.'s come to this...
    the hot topics for the day are 2 marketing chicks in Ashville and the weather?
    I'd rather you all Jersey bash.

  54. I heard there was an update from Hunke, can someone post it please?

  55. Wow. GCI-owned WUSA TV in Washington is just killing off morning newscasts, in favor of money-making infomercials. Unbelieveable. Probably other stations will soon follow. Just do away with the news operations, and GCI can save a boatload of bucks. But what about the Federal Communications Commission requirements that TV licensees broadcast local news?

  56. Lookie at what is happening at WUSA, and then consider what that means to your operation as the new round of cuts are put together. Corporate now seems to have come up with the idea of unstaffed news operations. What does that mean for newspaper operation: news-free newspapers that just have ads. Would save a lot of money to get rid of all those editors and reporters.

  57. I am coming to the opinion that ContentOne should be taken literally: there is only going to be one person at the TV stations left to report, edit and present the news. The same with newspapers: one who reports, edits and lays out the story, then goes home.

  58. Jim,

    When the "numbers" come out for December (advertising revenue, etc) will you be able to obtain this information and post it here? Any idea when the numbers do come out? Based on what I've been seeing in our local Gannett paper, December looked like a complete disaster and now in January, it looks even worse even though this time of year is usually light anyway. The results should give all of us an idea as to if and when the next round of layoffs will take place. Thanks.

  59. Hattiesburg American just axed a publisher.

  60. GCI should report 4th quarter '08 results within a couple of weeks. They quit monthly reports last year when things really started getting ugly.

    Only way to get monthlies now is from a well-placed leaker. Anybody at corp wanna give Jim a hand here?

  61. no monetary award for the dreaded "President's Ring." However, when gold spiked to nearly $1000/oz. I unloaded mine for $294 ... sweet

  62. 12:35 PM - Not a rumor, at my site they're making the list to send to the Mothership. As to when the layoffs will happen, no leaks yet.

  63. 6:43 a little advice. I am in HR. I know Boooooooooooo we are all stupid. The next time you hear the code words for age discrimination, "Lot of energy" be bold and say, "Are you suggesting I am too old for the position?" Believe me it will scare the crap out of the interviewer. You have nothing to lose once you hear the code words. I bet you get the job 75% of the time. They do not want the hassle once you verify what they are thinking.

  64. Geez Skippy was a finalist for Gannett Manager of the Year two years ago. So much for awards

  65. Just wanted to let you know I love my job, I trust my boss and I believe in the future of the company.

    Jim you must have missed my last post because it never appeared. Fair and balanced baby!

  66. Louisiana operations make money. Not sure they'd mess with them, altho it seems Alex keeps getting hit. Presses, distance and format issues probably prevent some consolidations for news and production, but new ideas to overcome those obstacles might make sense. Asheville to Greenville shifts have everyone analyzing what else could be done. Monroe is a like distance to Shreve.

  67. The papers are so small they should be able to get rid of many Publishers and appoint GM's. I'm just sorry I can't watch the scum bag bully I used to work for get escorted from the building.
    Do they have to give back their cars?

  68. Re: Asheville's Hot Marketing Chicks

    Observation 1: "hot chicks" is a relative term within Gannett's female workforce.

    Observation 2: Asheville's Contact Us page shows photos with 90% of its employees, but curiously there are no pictures from the Marketing chicks.

  69. 7:20, you mean my nightmare of walking into the newsroom with no one to help, 2 hours before deadline and with 8 pages to fill isn't just a figment of my imagination anymore?

  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. Actually, President's Rings do get money. I think it's $2,500 for #1, $1,500 for 2 and 3 and $1,000 for the others. Could be wrong but that's what I remember.

  72. Wonder if the Asheville publisher has to stay on to fight the Ihne lawsuit. Rumor has it he's a goner, but just that. Are the wigs at corporate keeping him on just to make him do more career ruining before he finally is shown the door? And does that mean he finally has to leave his office? Speaking of his office, Hammer apparently had big plans to redecorate his fourth-floor space but from what I understand he was told by his supervisor to get a clue.

  73. Re: Louisiana operations
    Lafayette and Opelousas consolidation would make the most sense--they're 10 miles apart. Unless they've already done it and just didn't tell us "northerners" here in the state.
    Alex is to the bone in the newsroom. Metro editor is writing multiple stories each week on top of editing and assigning.
    Monroe and Shreve aren't as operationally difficult as some places; good highway in between and generally good weather. Might get done if Shreve gets its new press, the holy grail of the last 10 or so years.

  74. Again Asheville:

    You must have misunderstood me. The Marketing girls in Asheville are not hot or Barbies they are average Joe's, nothing special. Sorry for all of the people trying to apply to marketing in Asheville you will be disappointed.

  75. 9:44 wrote:
    "The papers are so small they should be able to get rid of many Publishers and appoint GM's."

    BINGO! Save a pile of money AND increase morale and overall productivity at the same time.

    What a concept!


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