Monday, January 14, 2008

Reader: Editors and BlackBerries don't mix

I suggested the company issue every journalist an iPhone or some other such smartphone. A reader commenting on the post said forget that -- take away top editors' BlackBerries; those guys never leave the office anyway: "I've seen them behave like kids, texting and emailing each other IN NEWS MEETINGS. Is it any wonder the company's tanking faster than a subprime lender in a trailer park."

Commenting here is easy. You don't have to register. And I read all comments before they get posted to make sure they stay on topic. (I'm also way leery of personal attacks.)

[Image: one in the BlackBerry Curve series]


  1. Re: Editors addicted to CrackBerries
    I sat in on a Gannett-wide conference call in which everyone in the room except me was bent over a BlackBerry, texting like mad fools and not paying any attention to what was being discussed.

  2. It isn't the technology, it's the culture. If the meeting is necessary, it needs a better agenda, better time management, and some rules, such as no texting. Or, more likely, it's a waste of time and should be eliminated, but somebody senior thinks it is important.

  3. I don't get it, what is so bad about texting in a meeting (so long as you're listening and being courteous about it)? Isn't that what pda's/smartphones are for, so you can do more?

    btw as awesome as the iPhone is, until a method for synching with the company's back-end systems exists, it's not an optimal solution -- but that is clearly coming, just a matter of time.

    also is it possible to get a bluetooth keyboard to work with an iphone?

  4. "I don't get it, what is so bad about texting in a meeting (so long as you're listening and being courteous about it)? Isn't that what pda's/smartphones are for, so you can do more?"

    Nice to see my editors have found this blog and are participating. :)

    Maybe if half the newsroom wasn't in meetings half the day, there'd be more time for the crack-berries!


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