Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hot Off the Press: The Indianapolis Star

This is today's Indianapolis Star; click on the image for a bigger view -- and see the incredible lede photo up close. The Star has been covering an especially sad story for weeks: 3,400 Indiana National Guard troops leaving for training and, eventually, for Iraq. They won't return home for a year. Too many may die.

That main photo, shot by the Star's Danese Kenon, shows Helen Montgomery, 57, hugging her daughter, Master Sgt. Karolyn Peeler, at Wednesday’s send-off at Indianapolis' RCA Dome. Amazing photo. Terrific headline. The accompanying videos will break your heart.

The Star at a glance:
  • Publisher: Barbara Henry
  • Vice President/Editor: Dennis Ryerson
  • Founded: 1903
  • Joined Gannett: 2000
  • Employees: 1,441

[Image: Newseum]

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