Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Reader: What does your 2AdPro 'liaison' earn?

Regarding Gannett's contract with an advertising-production outsourcing company, a reader asks in a comment: "What size is the monthly bonus for your 2AdPro 'liaison?' You know, the person who is responsible for diverting a sizable number of ads to India each week. Ours gets a few hundred bucks per month if his/her quota is met. I had no idea this was going on, and it made me curious if other papers are paying bonuses for this."

Please post your replies in the comments section, below. To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green sidebar, upper right.


  1. That's got to be a site-specific bonus to make that paper look good for corporate.

    I can't imagine that part of the official roll out would be to give up a graphic artist or six and then turn around and bribe whoever is left to send the work out the door.

    If you lose the artists, you have to dump the work somewhere. Even if you're sending over the easiest garbage 2adpro can handle, it's less work for the artists you have left.

    The only way someone should get more money for liason work is if they get stuck being on call nights and weekends to fix the crap coming back from 2adpro.

  2. A BONUS??!! This is freakin news to me that one of my co-workers or manager should be getting a "bonus" for sending our work abroad. WTF!!

  3. This sounds like the makings of a great story. Where are journalists when we need them? Put your readers first for once. Jump on this one.

  4. Who pays the bonus?

  5. This must not be universally applied at every site. I can tell you at my site that this isn't happening. If this was happening, wouldn't this violate the GCI Ethics Policy?

  6. sounds interesting that one site only seems to have primarily one person sending, so they collect this alledged "bonus"- we train 2-3 people on days and 2 people on nights to send work, so the "bonus" would be hard to share.....

  7. Who pays the bonus?

  8. Allegedly there is one person in Asheville as well. A manager behind the manager. Yes the guy behind the guy. I guess if he is out someone else is trained but if it allegedly is his primary task to send ads I guess he would get the pay out.

    I don't understand giving a bonus to a person just to do their job. That causes infighting and bad morale like everything else Gannett seems to do.

  9. 11:17
    A designer I work with here at ACT told me that all graphic designers are being trained to send a specified number of ads to 2adpro, and deal with their return, revises etc.

  10. http://www.siliconvalley.com/news/ci_10736776

  11. 11:26

    I hope you all get to split the bonus, you deserve it. That is the only fair way to do it.

    Especially after dealing with that awful work environment.

  12. Gannett thinks that outsourcing the Ad Services department in order to rescue the Advertising Department is going to work they are off their rocker. That is called robbing Peter to pay Paul.

    This is the issue in Asheville for the last few years.:

    "The critical issue with the AC-T's financial performance has been and continues to be its mediocre ad department where incompetence rules. Excuses always abound about why the ad sales team can't sell: "the content wasn't right for us to sell it"; "the economy's down so we can't sell"; "we have too many products to sell"...on and on. The culture of the AC-T ad department is one of whining and passing the buck. Because performance issues in the AC-T advertising department never get addressed, who knows -- like cockroaches, they may end up being the only ones left."

  13. Not just Asheville. I've heard we can't sell tabloid, make it broadsheet... and then the same excuse reversed when the format was changed!

    Radio people sell air, dammit. A good salesperson doesn't need a perfect product for each customer, they need to showcase and individualize the benefits to each customer for the products they have.

  14. My site sends a decent number of ads to 2adpro, I know for a fact no such thing is happening here.

    2adpro should get the bonuses, our ad count is soaring because of their good work.

  15. I know for a fact my co-worker is still receiving the same pay, 2adpro or not. She is stressed beyond belief. My other co-worker is sending 2adpro stuff too, and I do mostly real estate and dailies and fix 2adpro messups, as they do too. We actually went beyond our quota one week because of special sections and advertising special deal packages and we had some O.T. too! Unbelievable, so busy and yet the papers are not doing well. Something is very wrong...

  16. There is no bonus at our site. The job of sending is part of the work flow of the department.
    Some ads that are heavy in typesetting work well, 2adpro has no understanding of typography, figure-ground relationships or western idea of space.Our creative concepts and understanding of our individual markets only comes from living were we are. IF we loss this essence, shame on those who push too far.

  17. The Greenville news is required to send at least 60 per week. Most ads returning from 2AdPro have to be reworked as the clients and Sales Reps hate them. Not always, but most of the cases.

  18. i know everyone in our office feels like we're just training them to take our jobs, we get the craziest crap back from them

  19. If this is a fact, then I would like my bonus for being one of few who actually sends our weekly quota to 2adpro. I send on average about 1/2 of our quota a week and I'm lucky to get a thank you from my manager. Instead we crank out over 40 hours of overtime in our department weekly instead of hiring another person. But that person would be likely to get laid off anyway.


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