Thursday, November 20, 2008

Quiz: Who's the seller, and what are they selling?

Here's the pitch: "Our suite of high-impact, results-driven, emerging media solutions serves as an effective springboard for creating solutions that deeply engage your customers and prospects."

Now, identify the seller, and the product being sold. Please post your replies in the comments section, below. To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green sidebar, upper right.


  1. What is a media lounge, anyway? Are there cocktails being served that can deeply engage my liver?

  2. LOL! Now, be honest: Did you use Google to find the answer?

  3. Definitely. But in Gannett-land, we'd call it "crowd-sourcing," not cheating.

  4. I missed the ad festival.

  5. The pitch makes it sound as though horse manure were being sold.

  6. That sounds like a CareerBuilder sales pitch to me.

  7. Being from one of the hick papers,I had no idea what Metromix was for. Now I know:


  8. @7:19 AM: Thanks for the link! On photo 51 I notice a normal-looking, middle-aged guy in the middle of all the action. There's hope for me yet!

  9. Read this for an interesting insight on the Rip6 deal:

  10. Sounds like the seller is Gannett, pitching content to Procter & Gamble for their corporate Web sites. Dubow made a super-fleeting mention of that at Brevard and later we were all like "Huh? What did he say? Did he just say we're goign to do advertorials for P&G for extra revenue?"

  11. Do Gannett employees do advertorial work for CareerBuilder sites?


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