Monday, September 01, 2008

First anniversary: Now, I'm a rewrite guy

[Blow out: celebrating a year of blogging]

When people ask about my job, I say: "I'm an online business news reporter, with an unusual specialty: I only write about one company.''

I mention that because the blog you're reading first appeared in public a year ago this month, when I published this post. Gannett Blog has changed a lot since then -- especially these days, as more readers write more comments. Now, my job is more like what the newsroom staff calls a rewrite guy. That's a writer who takes feeds -- e-mail and phone calls -- from other reporters, then weaves all those contributions into a story. (Mercifully, other newsroom employees -- copy editors -- then re-write the story again, turning it into something that's actually readable!)

In my case, I'm getting as many as 100 feeds daily -- your comments. And I read every one. As I told another blogger, however, this much hasn't changed: I started Gannett Blog so employees would have a safe place to share information about the company, without fear of reprisal from management, as they prepared themselves for a vastly changed industry.

I hope you'll keep coming back.

[Photo: Fire, by Paal Audestad -- a photo of the week at]


  1. JIm, Since the tranformational e-mail from Craig, how many more employee communications have there been? Might be interesting to show them all here and how they evolve through the months. You called the job and cost cutting a year ago, bravo. Now how about some winning Power Ball numbers.

  2. Jim-
    You are providing an extremely valuable service to us.

    And to think you are taking the time from your vacation to keep us updated on the Gannett machinations.

    As a Gannett retiree, I find the information very helpful and confirming of my 15 years of experiences with Gannett.

    Bless You Jim-

  3. Thank you, 3:11 pm! It's been a pleasure.

  4. You're not a rewrite man until you learn that 'rewrite' is one word (grin).

  5. It's okay Jim. We forgive you!

  6. We not only forgive you, we appreciate you. But allow me to note that "one-year anniversary" is a redundancy. Please make it "first anniversary."

  7. Much better! Thank you, 9:41 pm

  8. In answer to the first question: Craig has not written to us since the 9/11/2007 e-mail.

    In that message, he said, "I want to begin talking with you more about this process and what it [transformation] means."

    Yet after a year of silence, he and his minions wonder why so many of their headcount come to a blog to get the honest news about their company?


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.